How to Remove Someone From a Group Text

You are probably thinking “can you remove someone from a group text”? Regardless of the reasons behind the decision, it is possible to remove someone from a group text and I will walk you through the steps as you continue reading this article.

If you are facing issues with how you can remove someone from a group text then this article will sort that out for you so that you can focus on something else. Meanwhile, this is peculiar to most iMessage users.

So, I assumed that you must be using an iMessage text message before thinking about whether it’s possible to remove people in group text messages on your apple devices (iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch) without them knowing.

Why you Can’t Remove Someone from a Group Text

There are a few reasons why you can remove someone from a group message or text on your iPhone. These reasons include the following.

  • You can’t remove someone from iMessage if they are not up to four or more participants in the group and if they are not all using an Apple device.
  • Also, you can’t remove people in group SMS/MMS messages if the device OS isn’t the same: If the person is not using an Apple device.

Here in this article, we would briefly discuss how can you remove someone from a group text.

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Can You Remove Someone From a Group Text?

Apple devices use iMessage as their texting app, although you can install other text messaging apps. But for this article, we would only be covering iMessage.

If you are trying to find out whether you can remove someone from a group text or not, you need to understand this article.

There is a difference between iMessage and SMS/MMS.

iMessage is a messaging app that allows you to send texts, photos, or videos on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac using Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. Messages sent through iMessage are always encrypted and they often appear in blue text bubbles. Sms/MMS messages are not encrypted and often appear in green text bubbles on your device.

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However, the way iMessage is designed is different from the normal message apps. You cannot just remove someone from the iMessage text group.

To remove someone from iMessage, you need at least four or more people to be available in the group and they all need to be using an Apple device.

How to Remove Someone From a Group text On iPhone

How to Remove Someone From a Group Text On iPhone

If the question “can you remove someone from a group text” pop up a countless number, here is the answer to the question.  To remove someone from a group text on your apple device, follow the steps that we discussed below:

To begin:

  • Go to group chat.
  • Select the group message that has the person’s contact you want to remove.
  • Then click on the group icon located at the top of the thread.
  • Tap the I or info icon in grey at the top to open the list of contacts in the group.
  • Swipe left over the name of the contact you want to remove.
  • Tap Remove, then select done.

With this, you can remove someone from a group text on your iPhone iMessage app.

Why Can’t I Remove Someone From a Group Text On iPhone?

If you find it difficult to remove someone from a group text then it’s likely that you are using group SMS/MMS messages. Ensure there are at least four or more people in the group and they are all using an apple device before you can remove someone from a group text message.

Also, you can’t remove people in group SMS/MMS messages, and you won’t be able to remove anyone that is not using an apple device.

Follow these steps to turn on iMessage:

  • Go to setting on your iPhone.
  • Scroll down till you see messages from the long list of options.
  • Click messages after finding it.
  • Select iMessages. It will prompt you to turn on your mobile data or use wifi to set up iMessage.
  • Click Settings and turn on Mobile data.
  • Then go back to the message option in settings.
  • Now switch ON iMessage.

Can You Remove Someone From a Group Text

If I Remove Someone From a Group Text Will They Know

Well, this depends on the messaging app you are using. Although when you remove someone from a group text on iMessage, they do not get notified. If the person is active in the group he will know he has been kicked out of the group text because he will no longer be able to send messages to the group or see messages left by the member.

How To Add Someone To a Group Text Message On iPhone

You can only add iPhone/iPad/iOS users to the iMessage group. If the person you want to add is not using an apple device then you need to create a new group SMS/MMS message.

They can’t be added to a group text message using iMessage. Also, know that you can’t add someone to a text message conversation that you already have with just one person.

Follow the steps below to add an apple user to a group:

  • Select the group message where you want to add someone.
  • Click on the group icons at the top of the thread.
  • Tap the grey arrow icon to the right of the contacts, then click on add contact.
  • Type the contact that you want to add.
  • Then select done.

What Happens If You Block One Person In a Group Text

A blocked user can’t be contacted in a group text, and the person would no longer get to see messages from the group anymore.

Can Someone See if You Remove Them From a Group Chat iPhone

Can Someone See if You Remove Them From a Group Chat iPhone?

You can only remove someone from a group if they are all iPhone users and has has four or more people in the group.  When you remove someone they will not be notified that they have been removed but they may get to know that they have been removed when they stop seeing notifications from the group chat.

Also, they will still have access to the chat threads till the time that they were removed. If you don’t want the user to have access to the previous chat thread, make sure you delete the chat thread.

How to Remove Someone From a Group Text Android

Since the default SMS or normal Messages app won’t allow you to remove anyone from the group you created. You can only add or remove someone through internet-based messaging services like Google Chats or WhatsApp.

To remove someone using your android phone:

  • Open the google chat app or Gmail app.
  • Select an existing group conversation.
  • To remove people, tap their name and then click delete.
  • Finally, click done.

In conclusion, if you are trying to find out and provide answers to “can you remove someone from a group text”, this article should serve you right at this point.

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