How to Delete Reddit Account on Mobile App [Android & iPhone]

You can learn a lot from Reddit if you know how to explore the social media. The platform could be a great resource for your business or choice of niche. However, you can be banned if you don’t understand how Reddit and subreddit work.  Having a Reddit account will grant you unrestricted access to create a subreddit and contribute to existing subreddits in your niche. However, it can be frustrating to delete your Reddit account if you don’t know your way around it. So, in this guide, I’ll teach you how to delete a Reddit account on mobile app and the web.

Meanwhile, when you delete a Reddit account your Reddit posts remain on the platform under the “Deleted User” profile which contains thousands of posts from other Reddit users who have deleted their accounts.

It’s worth noting that you must cancel your Reddit subscription before deleting your account if you are a premium subscriber otherwise Reddit will continue to charge you for the service you do not use.

If you are unable to cancel your Reddit subscription do not delete your account instead contact Reddit customer support to cancel your account or make sure that you remove your payment option from the account to terminate the service from charging your account.

How to Delete Reddit Account on Mobile App


How to Delete Reddit Posts

If you do not want Reddit to move all your posts on Reddit to the “Delete User” profile after deleting your account you should first your posts from the platform before you delete your account profile.

  • Log into your “Reddit Account” on the app or web.
  • Click on the “Reddit Profile” at the top right.
  • Tap on “Posts” to reveal all you have posted on the platform.
  • Click on the “Post” you want to delete.
  • Click on the “three dots” at the top right of the post.
  • Tap “Delete.”

How to Delete Comments on Reddit

Posts are different from comments on Reddit. Deleting your post won’t delete your comment and vice versa. Therefore, you need to follow the steps below to delete your comments on Reddit before you delete your account.

  • Sign into your “Reddit Account.”
  • Tap on your “Profile Picture” at the top right.
  • Click on “Comment.”
  • Find the comment you want to delete and click on the “three dots” at the top right.
  • Tap “Delete” from the pop-up.

The selected comment will be deleted. However, to delete more or all your comments on the platform you must repeat the process on all your comments.

How to Delete Reddit Account on Mobile App

It takes a few steps away from the Reddit homepage to delete your Reddit account if you know how to navigate your way around the app. You can delete your account on the Android app as well as the iPhone app. So, we will take a look at how to delete your Reddit account on your Android and iOS device.

Warning: Reddit will delete your account instantly if you take the following steps. There is no grace period or delete your account temporarily. Once you hit the delete button your account will be deleted. You may be asked to provide your password and the prompt may be skipped. So, it’s advisable to truly want to delete your account before you take the following steps.

Android App

For Android users to delete their Reddit account on the mobile app you need to follow the steps highlighted below.

  • Open the “Reddit” app on your Android phone.
  • Click on your “Profile Picture” at the top right of the app screen.
  • Tap on “Settings” from the menu.
  • Select “Account Settings” under the “Settings” menu.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Delete Account.”
  • You will see a pop-up asking whether you want to delete your account or not.
  • Tap “Yes Delete” to confirm that you want to delete your account.
  • Enter your “Password” when prompted to “Confirm” that you want to delete your Reddit account.


The Reddit app iPhone interface is a bit different from the Android design. Therefore, the following steps will walk you through how to permanently delete your Reddit account.

  • Go to your “iPhone” apps menu and click on the “Reddit” app to open it.
  • You need to sign into the account you want to delete if you have not done that.
  • Tap on your “Profile” icon at the top right.
  • Click on “Settings” when you scroll down the interface.
  • Scroll down and click on “Delete Account.”

How to Delete a Reddit Account on the Web

You only need your Reddit username and password to delete your account on the web and if your Reddit account was created using either Google account or Facebook you simply need to disconnect your account from the Reddit settings.

  • Open a new tab on your browser and go to
  • You need to sign into your Reddit account with your username and password.
  • Tap on the account “Profile” icon at the top right.
  • Select “User Settings” from the menu.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Delete Account.”
  • Confirm your “Reddit username and password” by typing it on the popup and acknowledge that your data
  • Tap the “Delete” button at the bottom right.

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