How to Fix no Link to Dispatcher SimpliSafe

Here, you will learn how to fix no link to dispatcher SimpliSafe  error and how to connect your SimpliSafe to WiFi using the official app and keypad.

SimpliSafe is a popular home security system that lets you secure your home while you’re at home and away. Because it is a smart home gadget, it must always be linked to WiFi, or a cellular data plan to function properly.

 Simplisafe has two major versions: the original SimpliSafe and the gen 3 SimpliSafe version, released in January 2018. However, the two versions are pretty similar and only have a few significant differences.

The no link to dispatcher SimpliSafe is an error that frequently occurs regardless of the type of SimpliSafe you have.

The no link to dispatcher Simplisafe error usually indicates that your base station does not have an active WiFi or cellular connection.

How to Fix no Link to Dispatcher SimpliSafe on Original Simplisafe.

If you have a professional monitoring subscription, the No Link to Dispatcher SimpliSafe notification will appear on your keypad and be announced by your Base Station if there is no active cellular connection.

In most cases, resetting the Base Station to establish a new cellular connection would resolve the problem. To reset your Base Station, follow these steps:

  • Unplug the power adapter.
  • Remove the screw keeping the battery cover in place with a Phillips-head screwdriver, and then remove the battery cover.
  • Remove one of the batteries from the Base Station and wait for around 10-15 seconds (this guarantees there is no power going to the Base Station, which is critical).
  • Connect the power adapter to your Base Station; always reconnect the power adapter before replacing the battery.
  • Put the battery back in place.
  • Close the battery compartment and reseal it with the screwdriver.
  • Wait 1-2 minutes for a new connection to be established before attempting to access your system’s settings through the SimpliSafe App.

It’s a good idea to reset your Base Station every now and then to guarantee that it’s always using a new cellular connection.

However, if you need to reset the base station on a frequent basis due to the no link to dispatcher SimpliSafe error, or if the error cannot be rectified by resetting the base station,

It is recommended that you contact the SimpliSafe customer support team for professional assistance.

no link to Dispatcher Simplisafe

How to Fix no Link to Dispatcher Simplisafe on Gen 3

When your system does not have an active cellular or WiFi connection to the Dispatch Center, the no link to dispatcher SimpliSafe issue is announced by your Base Station or displayed on your keypad.

The issue can usually be resolved by resetting the Base Station and establishing a new cellular connection. The following instructions will help you reset your Base Station:

  • Unplug the power adapter
  • Remove the screw keeping the battery cover in place with a Phillips-head screwdriver, and then remove the battery cover.
  • Remove one of the batteries from the Base Station and wait for around 10-15 seconds (this guarantees there is no power going to the Base Station, which is critical).
  • Put the battery back in place.
  • Close the battery compartment and reseal it with the screwdriver.
  • Connect the power adapter to the Base Station.
  • Allow 1-2 minutes for a new connection to be made.
  • Now press the Home or Away button. You should be able to re-establish the cellular connection if you no longer hear the Base Station declare No Link to Dispatcher.

If you still hear the Base Station announce no link to dispatcherafter following the steps above, consider moving your Base Station closer to a window (to strengthen the cellular signal) and repeating the process.

While it is a good idea to reset your Base Station once in a while to ensure that it’s always connected to a new cellular network,

If you realize you need to reset the base station frequently due to the no link to dispatcher(SimpliSafe) error, or if the error cannot be resolved by resetting the base station. You should contact the SimpliSafe customer support team for further assistance.

How to Connect SimpliSafe to WiFi

There are two available methods to connect Simplisafe to WiFi via the mobile app or the Simplisafe Keypad.

This section of the article will explain how to use either of the methods to connect Simplisafe to WiFi.

How to connect SimpliSafe to WiFi using the Mobile app

Follow the steps below to connect Simplisafe to WiFi using the mobile app, however for your system to connect and function properly, you must have a 2.4Ghz network. 

  • Open the mobile app.
  • Go to the main menu.
  • Then navigate to settings.
  • Select general settings.
  • Then click WiFi network and select the name of your WiFi.

How to connect Simplisafe to WiFi using keypad

You can connect Simplisafe to WiFi using keypad by following the instructions below.

  • Click the menu button and when prompted, input your 4 digit master PIN.
  • Then go to System Settings and select it by clicking the right rocker.
  • Select WiFi from the drop-down menu. Your keypad will display a list of accessible networks within a few moments.
  • To connect to a network, scroll to it and press the right rocker to pick it.
  • Enter the password for your network. The Base Station will try to connect to the network, and the keypad will let you know if it succeeds. If you are unsuccessful, you will be asked to re-enter your password to verify it.

Check out How to fix Simplisafe Keypad out of Range


This article has looked at how to fix no link to Dispatcher SimpliSafe error and also how to connect Simplisafe to WiFi.

If you encounter any difficulty carrying out any of these tasks, the Simplisafe customer support team is on hand to provide further assistance.

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