How to Reset Pinterest Feed

How often do you refresh and reset your Pinterest feed? Don’t worry, you will learn how to reset Pinterest feed in this guide.

If you’re a Pinterest user, you know how important it is to keep your feed fresh and interesting.

This is exactly how everyone starts on Pinterest until they get overwhelmed with pins making them curious about how to keep their space overwhelming and how to reset their Pinterest feed. 

The sudden interest in resetting your Pinterest Feed may come when such happens repeatedly over time making your Pinterest feed cluttered with pins that aren’t relevant to your interests or contain contents that are way out of date.

All these alone could motivate you to either clear your Pinterest feed or reset it to the generic.

If you are looking to do that and also choose the pins based on your Pinterest alone, then you need to go through this article as I will be walking you through the steps of how to reset your Pinterest feed.

How to Reset Pinterest Feed

You cannot clear your Pinterest Pins completely. However, you can reset your Pinterest Pins to change or structure the kind of content you want to see at most times.

Resetting your Pinterest feed isn’t rocket science; all you have to do is Get to the “Tune your home feed” page. Go through the four tabs—”Activity,” “Boards”, “Interests,”, and “Following”—to customize your feeds.

We will be using each of these four tabs to unfollow profiles, unfollow topics, unfollow users, and also turn off broad recommendations.

If you still have no idea what I am talking about, here is a full breakdown of how to go about it:

  • Go to the Pinterest website.
  • Log in with your credentials.
  • On the homepage, click on the down arrow next to the profile icon.
  • Choose the “Tune Your Home Feed” option.
  • On the next screen, you will see four sections, namely, Activity > Interests >Boards Following.

These are the settings that will be tweaked to reset your feeds.

Let’s start;

  • Click on the activity tab over here and turn off any recommendations from the saved pins that don’t sit well with your interests.
  • Now, look at the interest category. Over here, you can weed out unwanted entries to remove suggestions from that category.
  • Now go to the board section; over here you’ll get a persona for Pinterest boards. You can turn off the toggle if you are not interested in the ideas you are getting from your boards.
  • Next, go to the following section; over here, you can take out the account you are following to stop getting pins from that account.
  • After doing all these things, all you need to do is go to the Pinterest home page and refresh the feeds.

How to Clear Pinterest History 2022

How to Reset Pinterest Feed

Pinterest used to have the History Board; however, it was changed to the Activity Tab.

If you want to clear your Pinterest history, you have to go to the activities tab and follow the steps below.

  • Go to “Tune your home feed.”
  • Over there, you will see four tabs. Click on the “Activity Tab.”
  • On this screen, you’ll see the pins that you’ve recently looked at.
  • You will also be shown pins related to boards you’ve checked out.
  • If you want to turn off history here, just turn off selected activities or select “Turn off all” to turn off your history.

How to Change your Interests on Pinterest on Your iPhone

Changing your interests on your iPhone can be done via the Pinterest app on your iPhone.

You simply need to open the app and go to the “Tune your home feed” option to change your interest on Pinterest.

Once you are there, follow the steps below.

  • On the “Tune Your Home Feed” screen, click on “Interest.”
  • On this screen, you’ll see different interest pins you’ve added.
  • Simply click on the Remove button to remove certain interests.
  • Once you are done, you can go back to your homepage or login back into the app.

How to Reset your Pinterest Account

You cannot reset your Pinterest account; you can only reset your Pinterest Feeds to change the kind of content you want to see once you open Pinterest.

Not only that, but you also can’t delete your Pinterest Feeds, as doing that will defeat Pinterest’s purpose.

If you feel dissatisfied with the pins you are seeing, you simply need to reset your feeds to make them more tailored to what you want.

Pinterest Following Feed 2023

When you open the Interest “tune my feed” section, you will see four tabs that allow you to reset what kind of pins you will be able to see.

One of the things that affect what you see is the profile you are following.

If you are interested in a certain topic, you can simply search for it and follow the content creators of the pins that resonate with you.

You can also unfollow if you are not interested in the content anymore.

How to Change Your Interests on Pinterest 2023

If you have certain interests or pins, you’re seeing on Pinterest that don’t intrigue you or that you’ve outgrown, you could change your interests on Pinterest by adding the pins that intrigue you and removing the ones that don’t add much value to you.

To do that, you simply have to go to the “tune your feed section from your Pinterest app or website.

Once you’ve reached the four tabs – the activity tab, the interests tab, the board’s tab, and the following tab.

One up these to make the necessary adjustments by either adding or removing topics, profiles, or pins as you see fit.


Now that you’ve read this article, you should be well acquainted with How to Reset Pinterest Pins in Case you are not satisfied with the pins you are seeing.

Also, you need to be aware of the fact that you can’t delete all of your Feeds If you are not interested in any of the pins you are following, you have to edit your interest.

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