Spotify Password Requirements and Rules

What are the basic rules required to create a Spotify password? We know there are criteria to meet when creating your Spotify password. But what is the Spotify password format you need to be to create a perfect password for your account?

These are the questions that we will answer in this post. It will also cover the Spotify password requirements or requirements for Spotify passwords for all intending users.

Spotify has a basic password requirement that all users who create or change passwords on Spotify must meet to be able to successfully create and change their passwords. Some users called it Spotify password rules or Spotify password criteria.

So, in this guide, we will discuss the “Spotify Password Requirements” that must be met in other to either create a new Spotify password or change the existing password on your Spotify account.

When you are creating a password for your Spotify account it’s a must you take note of the Spotify password rules on Spotify.

What are Spotify Password Requirements

What are Spotify password requirements that you need to know? Spotify password requirements are the required combinations that are needed to create a password as your login.

We are talking about the combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, among others. When these combinations are not met Spotify will return a message that your password didn’t meet the minimum requirements.

So in this case, Spotify will come up with the password requirement that must be met or put into consideration to create or change your Spotify account password.

A strong password protects your account. And Spotify advises that a password must contain an alphabet, number, special character, etc, but never use your date of birth or words that can easily be guessed as your password.

What are the Requirements for a Spotify Password?

The Spotify team are only concerned about your safety and making sure that you do not put your Spotify account in jeopardy without knowing. So, they decided to set a benchmark for Spotify users before the password to their accounts can be accepted.

Literally, what are the requirements for a Spotify password shouldn’t be a concern if already know how to combine various characters and numbers together to form a unique password instead of using your date of birth or nickname as your password.

However, if you don’t know the basic Spotify password criteria; we will discuss this here to satisfy your curiosity and answer your questions regarding what are the requirements for a Spotify password.

Spotify Password Criteria

You only need to meet the Spotify password criteria during the signup process. But, if the password criteria are not met, you will not be allowed to complete the signing-up process.

  • Use a combination of numbers, special characters, letters, and capitals.
  • Do not use the same password for your Spotify account for any other online services.
  • Always change your Spotify password after a couple of months.
  • Avoid the use of your data of birth or nickname as your Spotify account password.
  • Log out from all devices at least once a month if you are the type that shares your Spotify account with your friends and family and set a new password.

Reasons to Meet Password Requirements

No website will allow you to create an account or change your existing account password when you do not meet the password requirements. And some of the reasons why most websites, include popular websites like Apple, Zoom, Instagram, Google Gmail and other websites include…

  • To make it hard to guess for hackers.

As for me, that is the basic reason why most platforms set password requirements for all potential users. So, if you are zooming for Spotify you want to think the platform wouldn’t want your account to be compromised so, they make the requirements for Spotify password a necessity to meet.

 Spotify Password Requirements

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Spotify Password Requirements

All platforms have minimum password requirements and the following are some notable basic password requirements to set up a Spotify account.

  • At least 8 characters—the more characters, the better. It can be longer to create a pro password.
  • A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters such as [A, a, P, q].
  • A mixture of letters and numbers such as Spotify123
  • Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g.,! @ # ? ].

Observation: Using either < or > while creating your password might cause a problem with your browsers. So, you would want to choose another character over them.

These combinations create a strong password for your Spotify account. While you can use an easy-to-guess password and get accepted. It will put your account at risk as hackers can easily guess and take over your account.

What are Spotify Password Requirements

The following password combinations are not recommended as they are considered weak and they do not meet the Spotify password requirements when used.

  • A dictionary word cannot be used. E.g., Testimony, glorious, pastor, etc.
  • All manipulated dictionary words where letters or the English alphabet are replaced with numbers. Example as T5stimon25.
  • A password with repeated characters is not recommended.
  • Don’t ever try to use a Keyboard series of characters. E.g., qwerty.
  • Do not use personal information that the people around you know such as your birthday date, pet name, phone number, home address number, etc.

Password Requirements for Spotify

Now that you know the Spotify password requirements and weak password idea you should know. Let us quickly go over how to create a Spotify password that meets the requirements.

  1. Think of a dictionary word or your pet name and mix it with special characters and numbers.
  2. You can start the password with a special character followed by the first two letters of the dictionary word, input a number or two, add another character, and then the other part of the dictionary word.
  3. Here is an example of password requirements for spotify. !.Pre_2021tige. This password meets the “Spotify password requirements because it contains upper case, lower case, special characters, and numbers, and the dictionary word isn’t replaced with numbers.

It’s easy to create a password and meet the minimum requirements even without going through the password requirements.

Spotify Password Rules

The Spotify password rules are not something that needs a degree to meet. As a netizen; you should be able to have a format to come up with a unique password that is literally your own identity online.

In the same way, other online platforms want unique usernames and passwords; the same way Spotify expects you to come up with a password that can’t be guessed.

What is now the format that you need to follow when you want to create your Spotify account password; see my example below.

  • Pick a capital letter from “A-Z.”
  • Choose a small letter from “a-z.” My purpose is to follow the criteria needed to craft a unique password that cannot be guessed.
  • Add at least two numbers from “0-9.”
  • Go through the list of special characters and add a few you can remember.
  • Add a space in your Spotify password. A friend does that very often.
  • See an example: “Epy 017&”
  • From the example above, you can see that we have all the combinations of the default Spotify password criteria. However, you can have something longer. What is most important is that you must be able to remember the password else you’d need to do a password reset.

How to Reset a Spotify Password

There are two ways to change or reset your Spotify password;

  • Use Spotify password forgot.
  • Change your password via the Spotify settings. You need to log into your account to complete this.

We will consider how to change your Spotify password here because you can no longer remember the password after meeting the Spotify password rules.

  • Go to and click on the “log in” tab at the top right.
  • Click on “Forgot your password.”
  • You will be redirected to
  • Type your “Spotify username or email address” and click “Send.”Spotify Password Requirements
  • Open the email sent to the email associated with your Spotify account.what are spotify password requirements
  • Click on “Reset Password” in the message.what are the password requirements for spotify
  • Type in your new Spotify password and repeat the password. After you have typed the new password click on the “Send” button.what are spotify password requirements

Follow the Spotify password rules again when setting your Spotify login password but ensure to note down the password this time so that you wouldn’t have to go through the process of changing the password again.

You can use a password manager to secure your password and use a one-time password to unlock all your online passwords.

We believe with this, you now know the requirements for Spotify password and how to create a password that meets the requirements to create a Spotify  password

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