The pornographic virus alert from Microsoft is capable of wiping off all your data on your computer including password, credit card details, and other valuables when you click on the “Pornographic virus” pop on your computer. It’s a virus alert from Microsoft scammers. This virus alert could be in the form of a clickable link or prompting you to make a phone call, please disregard this and do not do either.
If you see this virus alert that claimed to be from Microsoft you need to deal with it fast and remove it from your computer. While it’s easy to fix the Pornographic virus alert from Microsoft it could be deadly when someone else accepts the pornographic virus alert unknowingly.
So, it is better to deal with the Microsoft virus alert from scammers before time so that you won’t be scammed for what you know it’s harmful but choose not to do anything about it.
Note: The pornographic virus alert isn’t from Microsoft. So, even the next Microsoft Windows update won’t fix. You have to handle this fix yourself.
Pornographic Virus Alert
The pornographic virus alert looks scary and it read as follows.
This computer has been LOCKED
Do not close this window or restart your computer without calling support
We have locked this computer for your security
you have been browsing unsafe pornographic websites.
Your computer has been infected.
Contact the Microsoft helpline to reactive your computer.
Failure to call will result in a notice being sent to your residence.
Microsoft Security Tollfree:
(888) 732-1022
Microsoft Support Alert
We Have Detected A Virus From A Pornographic Website
It might corrupt your data and track your financial activities.
Please report this activity to (888) 731-1022
Let’s start with this…
What is “Pornographic Virus Alert from Microsoft”?
The Pornographic virus alert from Microsoft is not from Microsoft. It’s from a scammer trying to hijack your web browser. This is how the virus forces you to fall victim.
Once the pornographic virus alert pops up to covers all your browser’s screen and claims to be from Microsoft thereby forcing you to either click a link or make a phone call when you click on the link. This is a big scammer trying to take control of your browser and all your browser’s search history.
Whenever you see this popup just know that scammers are targeting your computer. And the only solution is to find a wau to block such scammers and take control of your computer.
To save you from this headache when next the pornographic virus alert from Microsoft take over your computer browser’s full screen, follow the steps we discuss in this guide.
Reset Chrome Settings to Remove PornographicVirus Alert from Microsoft
If this is coming from the Google Chrome browser, then, the first thing to do is to reset your Chrome browser’s settings to block this virus alert.
- Launch your Google Chrome browser.
- Select the “three dots” to the top right just to the right side of your Chrome profile picture.
- Select “Settings” from the drop-down.
- On the new tab that opens the settings option, select “Advanced” to the bottom left.
- Select “Reset and clean up.”
- Select “Restore settings to their original defaults” and select “Reset Settings.”
- Go back to the “Reset and clean up” screen and select “clean up computer.”
- Click on “Find” to allow the Chrome browser to find harmful software and code and then proceed to remove it from your computer.
This might take a few minutes to complete. If the Chrome browser finds any harmful software or malicious code it will be removed from your computer and this includes the code showing the pornographic virus alert from Microsoft.
Remove Pornographic Virus Alert from Microsoft on your Computer
Just forget about how you get the Pornographic virus on your computer. If you haven’t click on the link or phone number attached to the pornographic virus alert you can still fix it and be sure that your belongs are still secure.
Note: If the pornographic virus alert has taken over your browser screen and you couldn’t close your browser by select the close tab to the top right press Ctrl + Alt + Del on your computer keyboard.
Now, right-click on the task bar on your computer and open “Task Manager.” Find the Chrome browser, select it, and select “End task.”
The Chrome browser should be closed after now. While the Chrome browser remain closed follow the steps below to delete the pornographic virsu alert from Microsoft permanently from your computer.
- Go to your Windows search bar. This depends on the OS version that you are using. On Windows 7 you just need to click on the Windows icon to the bottom left and the search box will appear under the information. For Windows 8 or 10 you may need to rely on the magnifying glass to access the search button.
- Type “Control Panel” in the search box and select it from the search result. Better still, you can also use the command prompt to launch the control panel. Press “Win +R” to launch the run command. Type “Control panel” and click “OK” to launch it.
- While on “Adjust your computer settings” page select “Uninstall a program” just below the “Program” option.
- Right-click on the “Malicious” program that brings “pornographic virus alert from Microsoft” and select “Uninstall/change.”
- Unistall the selected program and remove all files that has to do with it.
At this juncture, the virus or malicious program should be removed from your computer permanently.