How to Fix Error Code 0x80004005 on Windows XP/10/11

What is the error 0x80004005 all about and how can you fix it? If you are using a Windows computer you’d have seen this error code at a point and it means the same thing for all Windows versions whether Windows XP, Windows 10, or Windows 11.

This error code prevents your computer from checking the accuracy of your Windows Product Activation (WPA) which occurs whenever the file containing the WPA is damaged, corrupt or missing on your computer.

Also, if you are using a fake activation key for your Windows the error code 0x80004005 will pop up on your computer. The error can also be a result of using a 3rd-party anti-virus that is interfering with the Windows Product Activation (WPA) which is common on Windows XP.

There are a few other error codes you cannot run away from if you are using Windows OS. In this article, we will consider how to fix (kb3093266) – error 0x80004005 on your Windows computer.

Causes (kb3093266) – error 0x80004005

The error code 0x80004005 occurs in Windows OS versions with different interpretations and can be caused by different signs. However, when you are trying to fix this error code it’s worth knowing that it could be one of the following that resulted in the error code and it must be handled fast to fix the error code.

  • Corrupt, missing or damaged Windows Product Activation (WPA)
  • A third-party app is interfering with the WPA.
  • Installing the latest Windows update or a program
  • Updating software can cause this error
  • Establishing a connection with a network
  • If you are using a shared network resource
  • Receiving emails in Outlook can pop up this error.
  • Starting a virtual machine
  • Unpacking a compressed file

How to Fix Error Code 0x80004005

The fixes to this error code on your Windows computer depend on the causes of the problem. If the source of the problem is known it’ll be easier to combat this error and fix it. So, we discuss how to fix this error code on your Windows below.

If the error code occurred after upgrading from Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, then, you should consider the following steps.

  • If this occurred during the upgrade from Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition then you need to check the Windows Product Activation (WPA) file or check the Windows activation page and check whether the activation key is not correct or the upgrade has interfered with the key and it’s no longer valid.
  • You can downgrade the new edition to the previous edition if the error code won’t go.

You can scan and fix corrupt WPA files on your Windows. This can be resolved by repairing the Windows installation with the CD to replace the corrupt file.

  • Insert the DVD or Drive containing the “Windows Product Activation” into your computer.
  • Restart the “Computer” by clicking on the “Start” button >> Power >> Restart.
  • You will see a pop-up that says “Press any key to start from the CD or DVD or Drive.” For this to work, your computer must be configured to start from the option listed.
  • Press the “R” button to start your computer from the Drive “Recovery Mode Console.”
  • You will be prompted to set up your Windows computer. To do this, press the “Enter” button to start repairing your computer. Once it’s done you can exit the screen with F3.
  • You will see a path (C:\WINDOWS). You need to take note of this path. Now, press 1 to access your Windows primary installation via the Recovery Console.
  • Click on the “Enter” button to proceed or type your “Password” to proceed when you are prompted.
  • Type cd C:\WINDOWS\System32 (use the command in the previous path above) and press the “Enter” button.
  • Type REN File_Name.extensionFile_Name.old at the command prompt using the REN command.
    •  Wpa.dbl
    • Pidgen.dll
    • Actshell.htm
    • Licdll.dll
    • Regwizc.dll
    • Licwmi.dll
    • Wpabaln.exe

Note: In the previous command, you need to replace the File_Name.extension with the file name from the list of files in this step.

  • Type your computer drive, say, C or D followed by a colon (D:) and hit the enter button.
  • Then type cd i386 and hit the enter button.
  • Type the command below and hit the “Enter” button after each command.
    • Expand licwmi.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
    • Expand regwizc.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
    • Expand licdll.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
    • Expand wpabaln.ex_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
    • Expand wpa.db_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
    • Expand actshell.ht_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
    • Copy pidgen.dll C:\WINDOWS\System32

Note: Replace C:\WINDOWS with your computer path in step 6 above.

Fix with Reimage Plus

Now, you have to download and run Reimage Plus software. It’s free software and it is lightweight software. Download it and click on the ReimageRepair.exe executable file in your download folder and run the software to scan your PC for corrupt files and fix them.

Access VirtualBox

We’ve discussed VirtualBox in the past and how to download it. If you miss the guide, check it out here. However, if you are having an issue with your computer registry key or duplicate files you would possibly have the 0x80004005 error disturbing you.

To fix this directly from your Windows 10 and other Windows OS follow this guide.

  1. Press and hold “Wins + R” to open the “run” dialog box
  2. Type “regedit without quotes to edit your computer registry and press OK. It’s case-sensitive!0x80004005
  3. Go to the path below and delete the key if it exists.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers “C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe”=”DISABLEUSERCALLBACKEXCEPTION”

Note: Once you have deleted the key make sure to uninstall your Anti-virus and then reinstall it again.

Uninstall Microsoft 6to4

Another approach to fix the 0x80004005 error is uninstalling Microsoft 6 to 4 more like downgrading from your device task manager. Meanwhile, you should note that the Microsoft 6to4 might be hidden. by default. So, you need to unhide it to be able to uninstall it.

Here is the step…

  • Press and hold “Win + R” to open the Windows run dialog
  • Type “devmgmt.msc” in the dialog box and click on the OK

0x80004005 error

  • Tap View and hover your mouse pointer to Show hidden devices and click on it.

Show hidden files

  • Double-click on Network Adpater
  • The list of all Microsoft 6to4 devices will appear. Now, right-click on the Microsoft 6to4 device and click on uninstall from the popup. Repeat the same procedure for uninstalling the Microsoft 6to4 device.

Uninstall all

Make sure you uninstall all Microsoft 6to4 devices. Once you are done uninstalling it,  restart your computer the error code 0x80004005 should be fixed.

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