How To Auto-Delete Emails In Gmail [A Quick Guide]

Many people are not aware, but it is possible to auto-delete emails in Gmail. Usually, many Gmail users are faced with the problem of having too many emails in their inbox. Although the label folder helps sort out these emails, it is still not enough.

This is because a lot of us have accumulated too many emails over the years, and most of these accumulated emails are no longer useful. The easiest way to fix this is to auto-delete emails in Gmail. To do this, follow our detailed guide below.

How to Auto-Delete Emails in Gmail

There are different ways to delete old emails in Gmail. You can use a name, subject, and ID to do this. However, this process is tedious and time-consuming. To make it easier for you, you can quickly auto-delete your mails by using filters to find and automatically delete your old emails. You can also use this unsubscribe and block while keeping a cleaner inbox.  Stick around with us, and we will walk you through the entire process.

Auto-Delete Emails in Gmail by Name & Email

  • Start by opening your Gmail account and go to its settings by clicking on the gear icon.
  • Click on Create New Filter, which you will see under the Filters And Blocked Addresses tab. auto-delete emails in gmail
  • Here, you can get creative as much as you want. For instance, if you want to delete all your emails from Facebook, you can enter Facebook’s email ID in the box or just search Facebook. Afterward, select Create Filter.
  • Then, you can select the parameters that you want. For instance, you can choose the emails that have attachments by a particular sender will be deleted.
  • Once you have created the filter successfully, you can go back to your Settings and select Edit, which is next to your newly created filter. auto-delete emails in gmail
  • Without changing any parameters, select Continue and then, under the Delete It option, choose ‘Also apply the filter to matching conversations.’ This means that not only will your new emails be auto-deleted, but also all your old emails received from that particular sender. Save the new settings afterward.

Create Filters from Search Directly

To create filters from search directly, follow the guide below.

  • Start by opening your Gmail account and then use the search bar at the top of the page to find the particular mails you’ll like to delete. You can get creative here and mix labels to find the emails you’ll want to delete. You can also choose to search for ‘unread’ to find your mails that have not been opened.
  • You will also see more filter options like attachments, the time range, and more. Then select the Advanced search button, which is on the right side of your search bar. Then click on Create filter once you have gotten the results you want. auto-delete emails in gmail
  • Afterward, you will see a number of different options to choose from, just select Delete It. Finally, select Create a Filter to complete the process. Select email to delete
  • All the emails in that criteria will automatically go to the Trash folder. This means that you can always recover them again if you mistakenly deleted important mails. If not, you can go ahead to empty your Trash folder.

Auto-Delete Emails in Gmail by Date & Time

You can also choose to delete your emails that are older than a particular number of days, months, or years. Then you can use this to create a filter. You can use the search operator to ensure that the results match your expectations. In the search operator, you can choose older than X days, month or years. You can also go further and select a range that is, ‘from: date’ to ‘to:  date.’

Email Studio

Email studio is a third-party app that allows you to easily auto-delete old emails. It was developed by a tech blogger named Amit Agrawal. Although the Email Studio app is only available for G Suite users, it works very well. With the app, you can do a number of other things asides deleting old emails. This includes merging your mails, forwarding your emails in bulk, auto-responder, and many more.

Auto-Delete Emails in Gmail

You can also auto-delete both new and old emails in Gmail easily. To do this, search for emails and refine your search parameters to get the expected results. Then you can create a search filter for the search. You will need a good understanding of how filters are created and how to select options to filter. We have explained how to go about this above.

You should also read on how to empty Gmail Spam and Trash folders here.


Now, you can auto-delete any unwanted emails and maintain a clean inbox. If you have any challenges following our guide above, let us know in the comments section below.

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