How to Fix Unable to Uninstall Microsoft Office

So, I have this Microsoft Office 2016 including all the packages such as Powerpoint, Office, Excell, and others installed on my Windows 10. However, I decided to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 from Windows 10 to install Office 2019 because of the Powerpoint 3D feature. Unfortunately, I ended up with “Unable to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 Windows 10.”

Literally, you would want to say I can uninstall Microsoft Office from my Windows 10 via the control panel or command prompt. Yes, I did try to uninstall the Office package from my Windows 10 control panel but it was all effortless.

So, if you are in this category and you are willing to learn the steps to take to remove Microsoft Office from your Windows here is a guide for you.

Unable to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016

From my observation and experience, when you want to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 you would need to connect to the internet. Normally, when uninstalling any software from your Windows 10 you don’t need to connect to the internet as you can do that offline.

However, the case was different when I was to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 from my Windows 10 laptop as it requires an internet connection to complete the process.

Now, I will go into detail about how to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 from your Windows 10 computer. Meanwhile, you can try a similar approach on your Windows 11 but I didn’t actually encounter

How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 from Windows 10

You will learn how to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 from your Windows 10 laptop or desktop in this part of the article. However, to reinstall Office 2016 you will be required to provide the 25-characters to activate the package on your computer.

Connect your PC to the Internet

This was funny to me too so I expect it to be funny. Just connect your Windows 10 to your WiFi or hotspot and follow the normal procedure to uninstall software packages from your Windows OS.

Once you have connected the PC or desktop to the internet you can follow the normal procedures below to uninstall Microsoft Office 16.

  • Go to your Windows 10 control panel.
  • Click on “Uninstall a program.”
  • Click on “Microsoft Office 2016” from the list of programs.
  • Tap “Uninstall/Change” from the navigation.
  • Select “Yes” from the popup and wait for the Microsoft Office to be removed.

Once the uninstallation is complete a popup will appear showing a successful message that you have successfully uninstalled Microsoft Office from your PC.

Meanwhile, if there are other Microsoft packages left uninstalled just repeat the same process to uninstall them from your computer.

Use Microsoft Uninstaller Tool

The Microsoft uninstall tool is a tool dedicated to removing Microsoft Office 365 completely from your Windows if the normal method to remove or uninstall software from your PC didn’t walk. So, if you are unable to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 from your Windows 10, here we will make use of the Microsoft uninstaller tool to remove the package completely from your PC.

  • Download the Microsoft Office uninstall tool.
  • Close any Microsoft package you are using including Office, Powerpoint, Excel, etc.
  • Run the uninstaller as an administrator.Run Microsoft Office Uninstaller 2016
  • A popup will appear saying “Launching Application.” You can see the image below for a proper understanding. Unable to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016
  • After a couple of seconds, you will see the Office 2016 or 2013 or 2019 depending on the package the Microsoft uninstall tool caught to remove on your PC.
  • Since we are interested in removing the Microsoft package from your PC click on “Apply this Fix.”
  • Wait for a couple of minutes for the installer to run.
  • After a few minutes, you will see a message on the screen “the troubleshooter has successfully uninstalled Microsoft Office.”

Note: If you selected a different option on the troubleshooting tool you will see if there is a problem or not.

How to Uninstall Microsoft Office using Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant

If at this point you are unable to uninstall Microsoft Office from your Windows 10 computer you can also try the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant.

  1. Download Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant to your PC.
  2. Wait for a couple of seconds until you see a similar image below.Unable to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016
  3. Click on the “Install” button when the “Microsoft support and recovery assistant appears.”Microsoft support and recovery assistant
  4. The Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant will be the installation process on your PC.Unable to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016
  5. Wait for a couple of seconds for the tool to complete the installation process. Simply agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on “I Agree.”Microsoft Support and recovery assistant
  6. Choose the version of Microsoft Office you want to uninstall from the PC. In this scenario, we want to uninstall Office 16 and click on the “Next” button.Microsoft Support and recovery assistant
  7. Save all opened files on the selected Microsoft package so that you will lose them and click on the “Next” button.
  8. Once the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool has removed the Microsoft Office 365 completely, then, restart your computer to remove all the residues.

With the steps above you should be able to uninstall Microsoft Office 365 from your Windows 10. However, if the above steps also failed you; you can try the following option as well.

How to Uninstall Microsoft Office via Settings

There is a provision made by Microsoft to uninstall Office from your Windows 10 via the settings.

  • Go to your Windows 10 settings.
  • Choose “Apps.”
  • Under “Apps & Features” find the “Microsoft Office” suit you purchased from the list of apps.
  • Click on the “Uninstall” button at the bottom right.

Wait for the Office package to be completely removed from your PC after which you may choose to restart your PC. However, we mandated it that you should restart your PC if you intend to install another Microsoft Officer version on the PC.

With this guide, you should be able to fix unable to uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 and other versions.

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