How to Schedule a Text on iPhone

Apple iPhone lets you schedule a text on your iPhone to be sent at a particular time. It can be scheduled for every hour, day, week, month and even yearly as long as your iPhone is not turned off. Your network provider will also charge you for the scheduled SMS.

So, if you are looking for how to schedule a text on an iPhone, you need to stick around as this article will consider how to schedule text messages on your iPhone using Shortcut.

You can also use a third-party app to schedule text messages on your iPhone but it’s not always advisable to grant apps that you cannot trust access to your phone due to security and privacy infringement.

How to Schedule a Text on iPhone

All iPhones can use “Shortcut” to schedule text messages on their iPhone and the message will be delivered at the appointed time. This is a cool iPhone feature that you can use to send birthday wishes.

Recommended: How to Fix “iMessage Waiting for Activation” on iPhone

How to Schedule a Text on iPhone

  • Open the “Shortcut” app on your “iPhone.”
  • Tap “Automation” at the bottom of the page.
  • Click on “Create Personal Automation.” This is for iPhone users who have not created “Automation” before. However, if you have created this before you need to click on the “+” at the top right corner.
  • Choose “Time of Day” under “Personal Automation.”
  • Adjust “When”, “Repeat” and how you want to “Scheduled text” to run. Here you can adjust the time to sunrise or sunset, choose the repeat variation [daily, weekly and monthly] and choose whether to run “immediately” or “run after confirmation.”
  • Once you are satisfied with the “Setup” tap on the “Next” icon at the top right corner.
  • Tap on “Send Message” under “Get Started.”
  • Replace “Message” with the message you want to schedule where you see “Send ” Message and the recipient “Phone Number” to where you see “Recipients.”
  • Tap on the “Done” at the top right once you can confirm that you have provided all the information needed.

The scheduled message is ready for automation. However, you need to confirm that the text doesn’t require confirmation before it runs. To do this, click on the schedule text automation >> automation >> run immediately.

With this “run immediately” the scheduled text will run when it’s the scheduled time and you will not be prompted to confirm the message before sending.

How to Schedule Text Messages on Android (Samsung)

For Android users, you must take the following steps to schedule text messages on your device to send the message later.

  • Open the “Messaging” app on your “Android phone.
  • Tap on the “Start Chat” button at the bottom right corner.
  • Enter the “Recipient Phone Number” or search through your contacts and select the contact. You can also create a “Group” to send your message to later.
  • Tap on the circled “+” icon at the bottom left above the keyboard.
  • Tap on “Schedule Send.”
  • Select “Pict data and time” to open “Calendar” on your phone. Tap the date you want to send the message and tap “Next.”
  • Set the “Time” to send the scheduled message and tap the “Next” button.
  • Tap “Save” from the pop-up on “Pick date & time.”

Can I Schedule a Text on iMessage

No, you cannot schedule a test on iMessage. Apple doesn’t allow text scheduling on iMessage to be sent later. While this is possible in the next update but for now, to schedule a text on your iPhone you need to either use “Shortcut” or use a third-party app to set your message to be sent later.

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