Origin Reset is an application for your PC or Mac that is used to download, manage, and play games from anywhere. It’s a tool to manage your macOS; as a Mac user, the Origin reset tool for Mac shouldn’t be new to you, and if it does, here is a life-saving article that will reveal to you all you need to know about the origin reset tool for macOS.
If you are facing a problem that makes the Origin app on your Mac computer not open or shut down almost immediately; this article will address that as well.
Although this is a common problem for mac users but it’s fixable no matter what.
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What is Origin Reset Tool for Mac?
Origin is a proprietary computer program for interactive scientific graphing and data analysis. OriginLab Corporation produced it, and it runs on Microsoft Windows. It has inspired various platform-independent open-source clones and alternatives such as LabPlot and SciDAVis.
Origin Trial Reset Tool is a software program created by Electronic Arts. The main executable is named origintrialresettool.exe. When you download it, the setup package is about 45.39 MB (47,598,369 bytes).
Similar to the overall usage of those who have this installed, most users are running it on Windows 7 (SP1).
You can use it to open Origin files in the Mac environment (Mac OS 10.10 or the latest version) to allow you to view and copy data to other apps, including the copying and pasting of Origin’s publication-quality graphs and layout pages as PNG or PDF images.
Restoring your Mac to its factory settings will delete all your data ad even your preferences from the hard drive as well as customized settings.
Do I need Origin on my Computer?
According to Ivrognard, Origin is needed. You can use it for account management and ownership verification.
If you are more concerned about playing your games offline, you can decide to go Offline within the Origin menu. You shouldn’t have any problems if connectivity is a potential issue area.
Why won’t origin open on my mac?
There are various reasons why the origin app won’t open on your device. Below are some of the reasons.
Antivirus software is preventing the app from opening.
You can resolve this issue by including the Origin app among the applications that are not affected by the antivirus software. Once you do this, restart your device to confirm if the Origin app now works.
The cache files have been corrupted.
If you find that Origin is stuck or your Mac is slowing down because of Origin cache accumulation, you can delete those cache files manually by using the steps listed below.
- Go to Finder
- From the menu bar, select Go -> Computer
- Navigate to Macintosh HD -> Library -> Application Support
- Find the Origin folder
- Move the Download Cache folder to the Trash
- Empty your Trash
Graphics drivers are outdated.
The graphics drivers on your Mac may be outdated, you need to check and ensure they are up to date.
How to reset origin for mac
You can reset origin by deploying the Origin Reset Tool. In case other fixes listed did not work or appear to be ineffective, especially if the issue is neither an antivirus problem nor a cache issue, you can use the Origin Reset Tool. You can use the tool by following the steps listed below:
- Download the ‘Origin Reset’ Tool using the browser on your Mac.
- Identify the download location and Open the ‘ResetOrigin.zip’ file.
- Open the file and Select the ‘Reset Origin’ option.
- Enter your user details (User ID and password), then click OK.
- Download the app once again.
Deploy the First Aid Tool
If the above fixes do not work, you can also run the First Aid tool. You can run the First Aid tool by using the following steps:
- Select the Search option on the desktop.
- Enter ‘Disk Utility’ as the search query.
- Locate the Internal tab, and select the Mac SSD.
- From the list, visible, select the ‘First Aid’ tool.
- Then, use the ‘First Aid’ to resolve the ‘‘origin won’t open’’ error.
- Once it’s finished, select ‘Done’.
This is the origin reset tool for Mac.
How to uninstall origin for mac
Follow the steps below to uninstall origin for Mac:
- Go to Finder >> click on Go in the menu bar >> hold down the Alt (Option) key.
- Your Library folder should now appear in the dropdown menu.
Click on the Library folder to open it and then navigate to the following files and folders and move the files in them to the trash, if there are any:
- Application Support > Origin
- Caches > Origin
- Caches > com.ea.Origin
- Cookies > com.ea.Origin.binarycookies
- LaunchAgents > com.ea.origin.WebHelper.plist
- Preferences > com.ea.Origin.plist
- Saved Application State > com.ea.ActivationUI.savedState
- Saved Application State > com.ea.Origin.savedState
- Saved Application State > com.ea.OriginER.savedState
In addition, open a Finder window >> click on Macintosh HD. If Macintosh HD is not there, tap on Finder in the menu bar then Preferences.
- Choose the Sidebar tab and ensure Hard Disks is ticked under Devices.
- Go to and trash the following files in red:
Library > Origin
Library > Application Support > Origin
Library > LaunchDaemons > com.ea.origin.ESHelper.plist
Library > PrivilegedHelperTools > com.ea.origin.ESHelper
Finally, empty your Trash and restart your Mac. All traces of Origin should have now been removed from your Mac.
We hope this article was helpful to you and you were able to resolve the issues on your device. What are the other issues you have with your device if you have any? Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section below. The origin reset tool for Mac has been justified here.