How to Fix Error 0x80070005 in Windows OS

 You discover most times the error 0x80070005 when you want to grant program permission or when an auto-update program’s permission is denied. This is common in Windows 10.

The 0x80070005 error first started with my Windows 8. However, the 0x80004005 Windows 10 error is very irritating. For this, you will learn how to fix and troubleshoot 0x80070005 error on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

They’re practically various ways to fix 0x80070005 in Windows 10. There is a manual way to fix the 0x80070005 Windows 8 and there are automatic means to remove the error popup using shortcut using the command prompt.


Causes of 0x80070005

Few things could cause the 0x80070005 error in Windows OS. Here are some of them.

  1. Programs denied permission
  2.  As a result of a virus attack
  3. Wrong system configuration
  4. Administrator access denied
  5. Firewall disrupting system automatic update

These are few of the very common reasons why Windows OS will keep popping up 0x80070005 access denied.

Fix 0x80070005 Access Denied

We’ll consider various approaches to bring the error message to an end just the way we fixed 0xc000007b error code in Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, 7, 8, and Windows 10/10.1.

1. Full Control Access

First 0x80070005  control to check is granting programs on your Windows OS full access. These procedures work on all Windows including Windows 10, Windows 8, and even other versions.

Press and hold “Win + R” to launch the “Run” dialog box. Copy and paste the line below into the run and press OK

Note: Change the "Username" to your Windows username and replace "C" with the disc your Windows is installed if not on C drive.

Right-click on the local folder >> properties >> security >> edit >> add >> type “Everyone” >> Check names >> OK .


Navigate back to “Local Folder” and tap “Everyone” and then click on “Full Control” and then click “OK”.


Now, after you have granted the full control as directed above restart your PC and the 0x80070005 error code should stop appearing. If not, try the next approach.

2. Windows Automatic Update

The Windows 10 0x80070005 error code is very common when you subject your Windows OS and background update to manual update or disabled.

This will make your Windows lacks a lot of stable versions and updates that fix bugs. For this, to fix 0x80070005 in Windows 10, it’s advisable to set Windows update into an automatic update.

Click on “Start Menu” and type “Update” in the search box and select Windows update from the search result.

Now, if the Windows update is disabled click on “Change Settings”  and select the recommended option which is install updates automatically.


When next you are connected to the internet and there is an update available, the update will be downloaded and updated automatically without manual approval.

3. Windows Firewall Settings

If you are too strict about your Windows firewall settings you may end up with the 0x80070005 error. While it’s conscious of our security settings it’s also good to make sure it’s not affecting our Windows performance.

1. Go to Control Panel >> System and security >> Windows firewall >> Allow apps >> Allow another app >> Browse >> Find “svchost.exe” >> Open >> Add >> Host Process for Windows Services will be added >> OK.


Follow the procedures above to fix the error 0x80070005 on your Windows with firewall problem.

Fix  0x80070005 using SubInACL

Here is a quick check and quick fix using command prompt on Windows 10 and older versions using the SubInACL tool.

What is SubInACL

SubInACL is a Microsoft tool to fix 0x80070005 with the help of Windows command prompt. The SubInACL tool search through the problem causing the error in Windows and troubleshoot it using a command prompt.

SubInACL is a command-line tool that enables administrators to obtain security information about files, registry keys, and services, and transfer this information from user to user, from local or global group to group, and from domain to domain.

Fix with SubInACL

1. Download and install SubInACL from Microsoft official download page and grant the program an administrative right. It’s important to have admin right.

2. Now launch the command prompt in your Windows [Win + R >> cmd >> OK].

3. Type “notepad reset.cmd” without quotes and press “Enter”. If the file folder doesn’t exist you will be prompt to create a new file folder.


4. In the “notepad reset.cmd” file copy and paste the lines of codes below in it.

@echo off
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f  /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f  /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f  /grant=system=f
subinacl /subdirectories %windir% /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
@Echo -
@Echo Done.
@Echo -

Open the “Run” dialog and type “cmd” and click “OK” to open command prompt interface and type “reset.cmd” to execute the reset folder to help flush the Windows error.

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