How Many Ounces in a Pound

The question of how many ounce in a pound largely depends on which type of pound you are referring to.

An ounce is one kind of a unit of measurement amongst several others. A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity.

Any other quantity of that kind can be expressed as a multiple of the unit of measurement. For example, a length is a physical quantity. A meter is a unit of length that represents a definite predetermined length.

Today, we are categorically looking at how many ounces we have in a pound. To answer this,  there are 16 ounces in an Avoirdupois weight pound, there are 12 ounces in a Troy weight pound, and 12 ounces in a pound of Apothecaries’ weight.

Don’t get confused just yet as you will get to understand which pound is which, if only you keep reading on. For perspective, we will do well to define the necessary terms so here we go.

What is an Ounce?

An ounce is a standard unit for the primary measurement of the mass of a physical quantity. It is further subdivided into many categories for different types of materials and can even be used to describe the amount of food a person takes.

The term “ounce” is of the Latin origin from the word “uncia” which means “a twelfth part.” It can also be used in several different systems of measurements, but the most widely used systems for “ounce” are the international troy ounce and the international avoirdupois ounce. This suggests that one avoirdupois ounce is approximately 28.3495231 grams.

To make it easier, an Ounce is;

  1. a unit of weight equal to 437.5 grains or 1/16 pound (28.35 grams) avoirdupois.
  2. a unit of 480 grains, 1/12 pound (31.1 grams) troy or apothecaries’ weight.
  3. a fluid ounce.
  4. a small quantity or portion.

Various ounces were used over the centuries, including the tower ounce, troy ounce, avoirdupois ounce, and ounces used in international trade, like the Paris troy, made the situation further complicated by the medieval practice of “allowances”, whereby a unit of measure was not necessarily equal to the sum of its parts. For example, the 364-pound woolsack (165 kg) had a 14-pound allowance (6.4 kg) for the weight of the sack and other packaging materials.How many ounces in a pound

What is a Pound?

A pound is a unit used to measure the mass of something. It is used in the  British imperial system and the United States customary system.

Various definitions have been used; the most common today is the international avoirdupois pound, which is legally defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms, and which is divided into 16 avoirdupois ounces.

The international standard symbol for the avoirdupois pound is lb; an alternative symbol is LBM(for most pound definitions),  (chiefly in the U.S.), and ℔ or (specifically for the apothecaries’ pound).

The Different Types of Pound.

As stated earlier, how many ounces in a pound depends on what pound you are referring to, as we said that they are 16 ounces in an Avoirdupois weight pound,  12 ounces in a Troy weight pound, and 12 ounces in a pound of Apothecaries’ weight. So, here, we are going to explain that in detail.

The Avoirdupois Pound

Firstly, the avoirdupois system (abbreviated and.) is a measurement system of weights that uses pounds and ounces as units. It first appeared in English in the 15th century, to describe “goods sold by weight,” which is also the meaning of its Middle English predecessor, “avoir de pois.”That term derives from an Anglo-French phrase meaning “goods of weight.”

Today, “avoirdupois” most commonly refers to the system of weight measurement used for general merchandise, in which the pound is equal to 16 ounces, the ounce 16 drams, and the dram 27.344 grains.

So, the avoirdupois pound (abbreviated as lb., plural lbs.) is the most common unit. This type of pound is used for all purposes except the use of the troy pound. Most people from the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Liberia, and Burma use this as the standard measure of their mass.

The Troy Pound

A troy pound (troy) is a troy weight measurement unit. The troy weight measurement units include troy pound (troy), troy ounce (oz t), and pennyweight (dwt). The troy weight units are used to measure weights of precious metals, gemstones, and black powder.

The troy weight measurement units relate to each other as follows:

  •  there are 12 troy ounces per troy pound
  • there are 240 pennyweights in one troy pound
  • there are 20 pennyweights in one troy ounce. Also, one troy ounce is equal to 192/175 ounces exactly.

This system of units of the mass originated in 15th-century England. A troy pound (abbreviated lb t) is equal to 12 troy ounces and to 5,760 grains, which is exactly 373.2417216 grams. Troy weights were used in England by jewelers but according to Weights and Measures Act of 1878, usage of Troy pound was banned.

The Apothecaries Pound

The apothecary system originated as the system of weights and measures for dispensing and prescribing medications. The English version divided a pound into 12 ounces, an ounce into eight drams/drachms, and a dram into three scruples or 60 grains.

This traditional system of weight measurement was first used in the British Isles.

The apothecaries’ grain is equal to the troy and avoirdupois grains and represents 1/5,760 part of the troy and apothecaries’ pound and 1/7,000 part of the avoirdupois pound. One apothecaries’ pound equals approximately 0.82 avoirdupois pound, 373.24 grams, and 0.37 kilogram.

What is the Difference Between an Ounce and a Pound?

Pound and ounce are both units of measurement used to weigh objects, things, and living beings (for pounds). Both of them are mainly used under the avoirdupois pound system.

The pound is used in various countries, especially in the United Kingdom after its implementation during the Weights and Measures Act in 1963. Meanwhile, an ounce is involved in various systems as well that are recognized worldwide, the most common being the imperial and the United States customary systems.

So basically, the difference between a pound and an ounce is that a unit of an ounce is smaller compared to a unit of a pound. An ounce is very small as opposed to a pound. To state mathematically, Every 16 single units of an ounce equals 1 pound.

Don’t miss how many Ounce in a liter

How to Convert Pounds to Ounces

Knowing how to convert pounds to ounces,  is a sure way to figure out how many ounces we have in a pound. So, the formula to achieving that is,

Ounces = Pounds * 16

The mass in ounces is equal to the value of the pounds multiplied by 16.

Firstly, let’s figure out 5 pounds is equal to how many ounces.

To achieve that, we are going to start by writing what we know below,
         1 lb = 16 oz
Then, we need to see how the number is changing instead of one pound.
        5 lbs = ……oz
Here, we have five pounds, which is five times bigger. So, what we have to do is, make it 5 times larger.
       1 lb x 5 = 16 oz x 5
We’ve already changed the pounds to 5 times larger and then, we’d take the 16 ounces and make it five times larger.
So that means,
         5 lbs = 80 oz
Therefore, 5 pounds is equal to 80 ounces. You can keep doing this with different values if you want to determine how many ounces in how many pounds.

How many ounce in a pound

Follow the pounds measured in lb to Ounce measure in OZ convertion table below to have a full knowledge

Pounds(lb)to Ounces(oz) Conversion Table
Pounds(lb)         Ounces(oz)
0 lb                       0 oz
0.1 lb                    1.6 oz
1 lb                       16 oz
2 lb                       32 oz
3 lb.                      48 oz
4 lb                       64 oz
5 lb.                      80 oz
6 lb                       96 oz
7 lb.                       112 oz
8 lb.                       128 oz
9 lb                        144 oz
10 lb                      160 oz
20 lb                       320 oz
30 lb                       480 oz
40 lb                       640 oz
50 lb.                      800 oz
60 lb.                      960 oz
70 lb.                      1120 oz
80 lb                       1280 oz
90 lb.                      1440 oz
100 lb.                    1600 oz
1000 lb                  16000 oz

Units of Mass in the British Imperial and US Customary Systems

To find out how heavy something is, you need to measure its weight. The most common units of mass in the British imperial units and the US customary units are,
  1. Ounce
  2. Pounds
  3. Tons

Things that weigh 1 ounce:

Since we had earlier discussed the ounce in detail, we will just go ahead and list some of the things in our day-to-day lives that weigh one ounce.

  • A New Wooden Pencil

It will be very rare for anyone to say they haven’t seen a pencil before, I’m talking about those old school HB pencils that you need to take tests in school.

If you have one that has never been used before, then there’s a pretty good chance that it weighs around one ounce. But it has to be never used and it has to be one of those wood pencils.

Mechanical pencils won’t work because they don’t weigh the same. And already used pencils have lost some weight due to shortening when used and sharpened.

  •  A slice of bread

Generally speaking, your average slice of bread weighs around an ounce. The loaves could vary in size and that will affect the exact weight from brand to brand.

But for the most part, your standard slice of sandwich bread is approximately one ounce in weight.

For the best chance at a slice that is as close to one ounce as possible, go for a normal size slice of whole wheat bread.

  • A CD

This is another common thing that helps you determine how much an Ounce weighs.

If you take that CD out of the CD case, then you have around an ounce in weight when you hold it in your hand.

But you must remember to remove the CD from the case. The CD case itself weighs around an ounce.

So, if you leave the CD in its case, then you’re looking at a weight of around two ounces right there.

  • A Standard Bic Biro

Remember those old-school Bic ink pens that used to be everywhere? Well, if you can find one of those in a drawer at home, then you’ll have a pretty good idea of how much an ounce weighs.

Just your basic, standard ink pen weighs an ounce.

Items that weigh a Pound

  • A block of Butter

A block of butter typically contains four sticks that equal ½ of a cup each. Butter is a dairy product made from the fat and protein components of churned cream.

To produce butter, you must agitate heavy cream until the fats separate from the liquid. Once this separation takes place, you are left with butter and buttermilk.

  •  A Loaf of Bread

Remember we said a slice of bread weighs an Ounce. Now, we are saying a loaf of bread weighs a pound. A loaf of bread is the bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece. It is usually large enough for more than one person and can be cut into slices. So your typical loaf of bread should weigh one pound.

  •  Twenty AA Batteries

One AA battery weighs one ounce and twenty AA batteries weigh one pound.  AA battery is the standard battery for the American National Standards Institute. AA batteries are one of the most common batteries used for electronic devices. Batteries were named based on their size. Put 20 AA batteries together, and you have 1 pound of batteries.

  • Football

There is a general rule that  all footballs, whether it is used for American football, soccer, or rugby,  should weigh one pound. In football, there is also a code of rules that defines not only what the weight of the ball should be, but also the pressure, circumference, and amount of air-filled space that should be in the ball.


Both Pound and Ounce are units that are used to measure/ volume of things. One Pound equals sixteen units of ounces. From this, that an ounce is a very small unit.

These two units are mainly used in the United States, Britain, Russia, and Germany. The pound is mostly used to measure weight from just newborn babies to adults.

We have also seen that determining how many ounces in a pound does not have a one size fits all answer because we have different types of ounces and they all have their different values as well.

We hope that this article has helped you and has provided you with the information you needed.

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