How to Access Facebook Full Site on Mobile “3 Methods Explained”

Facebook has a mobile site and a full site. When you visit Facebook on mobile its redirect to a mobile site instead of the Facebook full site.

This makes it difficult to perform all task on Facebook such as changing your Facebook password, chat with Facebook friends with the Facebook messenger app, view Facebook posts reactions, and a lot more.

Facebook knows this and provides a better way to access the Facebook full site without using the social media app.

There is also another means to view Facebook desktop version on mobile which I will discuss with you here.

The Facebook desktop is something you should use instead of Facebook mobile if you don’t have a PC.

Facebook Touch

When Facebook started it was all mobile. There was nothing like desktop facebook or whatsoever.

So, if you are still using to access Facebook you will probably end up using Facebook mobile on PC.

However, using Facebook touch on mobile has some do’s and don’t to maintain the desktop version.

From experience, whenever I carry out the following exercise on Facebook touch I’m always redirected from Facebook desktop version to Facebook mobile version.

  • Clicking on my profile picture takes me back to the mobile view
  • Clicking on the Facebook logo will take you back from desktop version to mobile version
  • The best way to go back on Facebook is to use the back button on your phone.

Facebook Full Site

To log in Facebook account on mobile and get the full Facebook desktop version you only need to add /home.php to the default Facebook URL. You will now have a Take note of the forward slash after Facebook.

This URL opens Facebook full website on mobile and you will be able to use Facebook desktop messenger, upload a new profile picture, and explore Facebook desktop on mobile fully.

Request Desktop Site

You can request a desktop site on your browser to view the Facebook full site on mobile.

1. Open any browser on your smartphone and log in to your Facebook account using your Facebook login password and username.

Facebook Full site

2. Facebook will show a mobile version of your Facebook account but never mind, here is how to change from mobile site to a desktop site on your mobile.

3. Click the 3 dots to the upper right on your mobile browser and click “request desktop site” (see image below)

Facebook Full site

4. Your Facebook account will reload your account page and change from mobile to the Facebook desktop version.

5. Instantly you will notice that the “” has redirected to “” on the browser’s URL.

Facebook Full site

These 3 methods can be used to access Facebook’s full site on mobile browsers without using the social media mobile app.

For quick and easy access to Facebook on your Android and iOS download and install Facebook Lite.

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