How To Reset your Wyze Camera

If your Wyze camera is malfunctioning then you may need to do a factory reset. Therefore, here in this article, we will discuss how to reset your Wyze camera (step-by-step).

Using security or surveillance camera is one of the few ways to make your environment secure. However, if the security camera isn’t working or not recording or detecting motion then you may need to restore it to the factory settings.

With that in mind, you will learn the step-by-step procedures to take to reset your Wyze camera to the default or factory settings.

Recommended: How to Power Cycle the Wyze Camera

how to reset a wyze camera

How to Reset your Wyze Camera

Resetting your Wyze camera will delete the personal settings on the camera and will roll the camera back to default settings.

Follow the steps below to reset your Wyze security camera.

  • If you inserted a microSD card in your camera, ensure it is removed.
  • Plug your Wyze Camera into a power outlet.
  • Now press and hold the setup button on the bottom of your Wyze camera for 10 seconds.
  • If you have the Wyze Cam v1: press and hold the setup button for 20 seconds.
  • Wait at least 30 seconds for your camera to initiate. Sometimes this process may require a longer time and can take up to 5 minutes to initiate.
  • The LED status light on your Wyze camera will then change from a solid yellow light to a blinking yellow light.
  • If you have a Wyze cam v3 the LED status light will change to red.
  • You can finally set up your Wyze camera again.

Wyze Cam V2 Factory Reset Not Working

Follow the steps below if you are unable to reset your Wyze cam v2.

Delete Camera From Wyze App

If you are experiencing some issues and you are trying to reset your Wyze cam v2, you can delete the camera from the Wyze app, and then reconnect your  Wyze camera with the app.

Reset Your Wi-Fi Connection

Ensure your camera is connected to the Wi-Fi and your devices are connected to a 2.4Ghz network. If the issue is persistent you can reset your Wi-Fi device and disconnect power to the camera.

Manually Flash The Firmware

Follow these steps if you would like to manually flash the firmware of your Wyze camera:

  • Power off your camera and insert your microSD card. When you want to perform a firmware flash, you are required to use a 32GB microSD card.
  • Hold the setup button, and plug in your USB cable. Ensure you keep holding the setup button for close to 3-6 seconds. Finally, release the setup button when the light is solid blue.
  • Then wait for 3-4 minutes and allow your camera to reboot and change its LED light status.
  • You do not need to re-setup your camera and should be functioning properly with the original setup.

e Cam v3 Won't Reset

Reset Your Wi-Fi Connection

Ensure your camera is connected to the Wi-Fi and your devices are connected to a 2.4Ghz network.

To check on iOS: Go to the settings app, then tap Wi-Fi to see your network name.
To check on Android: Go to the Settings app, then tap Wireless and networks or connections to see your network name.

If you see more than one network that belongs to you, you should select a 2.4 GHz network and ensure you do not select a network that includes 5, 5G, 5GHz, or 5g.t.

Manually Flash The Firmware

Follow these steps to manually flash the firmware of your Wyze cam v3:

  • Power off your Wyze cam v3 and insert your microSD card.
  • Hold the setup button and plug in your USB cable. Ensure you hold the setup button for 3-6 seconds. Release the setup button when the LED light turns solid purple.
  • Now, wait 3-4 minutes, for the camera to reboot and for the status light to change.
  • Once completed, you do not need to re-setup your camera and should function properly with the original setup.

How to Reset Wyze Cam Outdoor

How to Factory Reset Wyze Cam Pan v2

Follow these steps to factory reset your Wyze cam pan v2:

  • Remove any microSD card, if you have inserted any.
  • Plug your Wyze cam into a power outlet.
  • Then press and hold the setup button on the bottom of the camera for about 10 seconds.
  • Now, wait between 30 seconds to 5 minutes for your device to initiate.
  • The LED status light on your Wyze camera would change from solid yellow to a blinking yellow light.
  • Your Wyze cam pan v2 would now be ready to be set up again.

How to Reset Wyze Cam to New WiFi

If you would like to reset your Wyze cam to a new WiFi network, follow these steps:

  • Connect your Wyze camera to a power outlet.  Wait about 30 seconds until your device begins to flash yellow
  • Press the reset button at the back of the camera. Your Wyze camera will now tell you that it is ready to be set up.
  • Open the Wyze app on your iPhone or android device.
    Then log in to the Wyze App.
  • Tap the “+” in the top right corner of the devices tab.
  • Tap add a product, and then you can add your device using the correct name of your Wyze Cam.
  • The setup window will be displayed and you will get a prompt to choose a 2.4 GHz WiFi network and re-enter your WiFi password.
  • Finally, scan the QR code on the Wyze app with the Wyze cam. Tap I heard the voice command button, which you will hear when you scan the QR code.

How to Reset Wyze Cam v3

Follow these steps to reset your Wyze cam v3:

  • Remove the microSD card.
  • Plug your Wyze Cam into a power outlet.
  • Press and hold the setup button at the bottom of your Wyze camera for about 10 seconds.
  • Wait at least 30 seconds for your Wyze cam v3 to initiate. This process can sometimes take up to 5 minutes to initiate.
  • The LED status light on Wyze Cam v3 will turn red.
    Then you can set up your Wyze Cam v3 again.

What do You do if Your WYZE Camera Won’t Connect?

Follow these steps if you can’t connect your WYZE camera won’t connect:

  • Ensure that you connect your phone or tablet is connected to a 2.4G Hz network.
  • Forget all WI-Fi networks, then restart and reconnect your phone or tablet to your 2.4 GHz network.
  • Power cycle your Wyze Cam: Unplug your camera from the power outlet, then wait 5-10 seconds, then plug back your Wyze cam into a power outlet.
  • Close and reopen the Wyze app on your smart device.
  • Your WiFi password is case-sensitive and you should ensure it is entered correctly. You should also check for space at the beginning or end of your Wi-Fi name and password.
  • Ensure you use a WPA/WPA2 encryption type for your router which can be found on the ISP label on the back of your router.

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