How to Uninstall Logitech Gaming Software on Mac

How to uninstall Logitech gaming software on Mac is what we are going to discuss in this video. If your Logitech mouse isn’t connecting to the Logitech gaming software do not hesitate to check out this guide on how to use Logitech mouse without the Logitech gaming software or Logitech advanced gaming software.

Whether you are using the Logitech wireless mouse or Logitech Bluetooth mouse with your Mac or Windows you still need the Logitech gaming software installed on your device.

However, if you decided to bid the Logitech software a farewell on your Mac and decided to uninstall it rather than leaving it for no reason, here we compile all the steps that can be taken on how to uninstall Logitech Gaming Software on Mac.

Uninstall the Logitech Gaming Software on your Mac by dragging the icon to Trash

With just dragging and dropping the Logitech gaming software into the trash on your Mac computer you can uninstall the software from the device.

  • Open your Mac Finder.
  • Select “Application” on the left.
  • Select the “Logitech Gaming Software”
  • Drag and drop the “Logitech software icon” into the “Trash.”
  • Right-click on the “Trash” icon and click on “Empty Trash.”
  • Done.

With this, the Logitech Software will be removed from your Mac computer once the trash is empty. However, this method works on all Mac computers and can be used to uninstall all 3rd-party apps or software on your Mac.Uninstall Logitech gaming software on Mac

How to Uninstall Logitech Gaming Software on Mac using the LaunchPad

Another method that can be used to uninstall the Logitech gaming software on your Mac is via the launchpad. To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Launch the LaunchPad on your Mac.
  • Search for the “Logitech Gaming Software” in the search box.
  • Highlight and hold the Logitech Gaming Software icon until the logo starts shaking or wiggling.
  • To uninstall the Logitech software once it starts wiggling, click on the “X” icon to the top right of the icon.
  • Click on the “Delete” icon in the pup op.
  • Done.

Once you click on the delete button the Logitech Software will be removed from the Mac computer. However, for this method to work you want to ensure that your Mac OS is OS X lion or a later version.

Uninstall the Logitech Gaming Software on Mac using the Inbuilt Uninstaller App

Without using any of the methods above you can uninstall the Logitech gaming software using the software inbuilt application. So, here we will walk you through how you can uninstall the Logitech gaming software on your Mac computer using the inbuilt uninstaller on the Logitech software.

  • Launch the “Logitech Gaming Software” on your Mac.
  • Double-click on the “Uninstaller” icon to the bottom right.
  • Follow the instruction on the screen to remove the Logitech gaming software from your Mac.

This method will uninstall the Logitech Gaming software but might not uninstall some packages without the uninstaller command. However, to uninstall these files or packages, go to the official Logitech support and search for the package uninstaller, download it, and run it to uninstall the package the uninstaller is designed for.

Delete All the Logitech Gaming Software Files, Caches and Preferences

Another technique that can be used to uninstall the Logitech gaming software from your Mac computer is to delete all the gaming software files, caches, and preferences one by one on your macOS.

Meanwhile, there are two methods to delete all Logitech gaming software library files, caches, and preferences.

Delete Logitech Gaming Software Files, Caches, and Preferences on Hard Disk: /Library

Follow the steps below to access your Mac Disk:/Library to delete or remove all Logitech Gaming software library files, caches, and preferences from your Mac computer.

  • Click on the “Go” button on your Mac “Menu Bar.”
  • Choose “Go to Folder.”
  • Open “Finder.”
  • Type the path of the top library on the Mac ∼/library/ in the “Go to Folder.”
  • Search for the following Logitech gaming software library files name
    • /Library
    • /Library/Caches
    • /Library/Preferences
    • /Library/Application Support
    • /Library/LaunchAgents
    • /Library/LaunchDaemons
    • /Library/PreferencePanes
    • /Library/StartupItems
  • Right-click and select “Move to Trash” on each of the match files to delete.

Once all these library files are deleted, the Logitech gaming software will be deleted from your Mac computer.

Delete all the Logitech Gaming Software Library Files, Caches, and Preference via Library inside Home Folder(~/Library)

You can also use this method to remove all the Logitech gaming software files from your Mac library to remove or uninstall the Logitech mouse software.

  • Click on the “Go” command on your Mac.
  • Select “Go to Folder.”
  • Type “ ~Library” without the “quotes” and click on the “Enter” key.
  • Delete the listed files from the search result.
    • ~/Library
    • ~/Library/Caches
    • ~/Library/Preferences
    • ~/Library/Application Support
    • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • ~/Library/LaunchDaemons
    • ~/Library/PreferencePanes
    • ~/Library/StartupItems
  • Right-click on the “Trash” icon to delete the “Logitech Software” permanently from your Mac computer.

These methods are supposed to delete all the Logitech Software files from your Mac and uninstall the program. However, some programs might still keep some files/kernel on your Mac such as your anti-virus and some other programs. When this happens you might need to determine the program and remove the files to permanently take off the Logitech software from your Mac and all its remnants.

How to Uninstall Logitech Gaming Software on Mac using Osx Uninstaller

With the Osx uninstaller, you can remove the Logitech gaming software completely from your Mac computer. To do this, you want to follow the steps below and ensure to pay close attention to them.

  • Quit the Logitech gaming software on your Mac.
  • Open your Mac LaunchPad
  • Launch the Osx uninstaller.
  • Click on the “Logitech gaming software” icon on the Osx uninstaller screen.
  • Select the “Run Analysis” tab to scan the Logitech mouse software.
  • Click on “Complete Uninstall.”
  • Tap on “Yes” from the pop.
  • Done

The process to uninstall the Logitech gaming software from your Mac computer will be initiated and a successful message will appear once the uninstallation process has been completed.

Other methods to uninstall Logitech gaming software on Mac completely include using a 3rd party software. However, with the methods we discussed in this article, the Logitech software will be removed completely from your Mac irrespective of the approach you choose to follow.

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