How To Update your Windows 10 OS

This article will provide you with the guidelines and all you need to successfully update your Windows 10 OS. 

By OS here,  we are referring to an Operating System, and it is a collection of programs that controls the operation of a computer software. In other words, it manages all the programs and applications that a computer or mobile device is able to run on. The Operating System is the most important software that runs on a computer, as it manages the computer’s memory and processes, and also lets people interact with the computer.

In this article, we will walk you through not only how to update your Windows 10 OS, but also how you can download and install it as well.

 update your Windows 10 OS. How to Download Windows 10 OS

For they to be an update of your Windows 10 OS, they must first be a process of downloading and installing the OS, so we are going to discuss them in that order. To get started with the download, you start by;

  • Opening  your browser and typing in ””
  • Then click on “Get Started”.
  • On the page that appears, you will be given the option of  getting a copy of Windows 10 for PC or for Mobile Devices, so just go ahead and click the option that applies to you.
  • Next is, you will get a page titled “Is it right for me?”.
  • The page contains information about the latest build of Windows 10 for PC or phone-based upon your selection; go through the system requirements and see if your device matches it.
  • Then, scroll down on the page and click on Get the Preview. Click on Download the ISO link(This is a single file containing all Windows 10 installation media. The ISO file can be burned on a USB or a DVD drive).
  • In the page that opens, endeavour to  note down the key of Windows 10 Preview. Although this will not be necessary for installation, but just in case Windows 10 asks you to activate the copy, you will have to use it.
  • Then, select the language that you wish your Windows 10 copy to be, from the list of languages.
  • Select if you need 64-bit or 32-bit Windows 10 for free.
  • Click on the download link and let the ISO file download, then you can burn the ISO to a USB or DVD.

NOTE: Even after the download has been successful, you will still need to keep your Insider account active, so you have to log into the account every few weeks, so that you will be able to receive the free updates to the final Windows 10 without having to pay anything.

How to Install Windows 10 OS

Although most devices come pre-configured out of the box, which means Windows is preinstalled and you don’t need to worry about adding the OS manually, but there are still  occasions when you might need to install Windows 10 yourself. So, this is the guide to help you get that done. 

  • Check  that your device meets the Windows 10 system requirements, and these are the requirements for the latest version of Windows 10.
  • Then, create USB installation media, by visiting Microsoft’s Windows 10 download page and selecting “Download tool now” under the “create Windows 10 installation media” section. Transfer the downloaded installer tool to a USB drive.
  • Run the installer tool. 
  • Use your installation media. 
  • Change your computer’s boot order. 
  • Restart your device. 
  • Complete the installation.

How To Update Windows 10 OS

You can update your Windows 10 OS, either manually or automatically. Both methods will be discussed in details below;

How to Update your Windows 10 OS Manually

Follow the steps to below to update your Windows 10 OS manually

  • From the bottom left corner of your PC, select the Start button.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Select the Update and Security Icon.
  • Choose the Windows Update tab in the left sidebar (circular arrows).
  • Click the Check for updates button. If there is an available update, it will begin downloading automatically. 
  • Then restart your PC. That is how you manually update your Windows 10 OS.

How to Update your Windows 10 OS Automatically

What the automatic method basically entails, is that you turn on “Automatic Updates” on your PC. Once that is done, your PC will be able to update windows 10 OS and other software, without you having to bother your head. So, to turn on “Automatic Updates”, do this;

  • Select the Windows icon from the bottom left of your screen.
  • Click on the Settings, then click on the System icon.
  • From System, take a ride down and click on About.
  • From the About, scroll down to Windows Specifications.
  • Look for Edition and your update information will be displayed.

NOTE: When you purchase a new device, always check for updates right away when uou are setting it up and also ensure you enable automatic updates.

Other Necessary Software(s) To Keep Updated

Asides the Operating System, these are other software that you should endeavour to always keep updated.

  • Antivirus and security software
  • Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge or Safari
  • Web plugins such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Skype, Apple QuickTime, iTunes, 
  • Other Microsoft Office Suites.

Windows 10 OS Update Not Responding

If  you run into problems in the process of trying to update your Windows 10 OS, then these could be the possible causes; corrupt update files, lack of drive space, multiple update queued and hardware conflicts. To get the issue resolved, try these quick fixes.

Try rerunning Windows Update.                   

 What this entails, is simply reboot your computer and rerun the update, and this usually works if the issue is a multiple queued update. So, you can get things working again by rebooting and starting the update process again but if your Windows 10 installation is out rightly  outdated, then you may need to perform the update process multiple times.

Use Windows 10 Troubleshooting Tool

Microsoft has designed the Windows 10, such that they is a troubleshooter app, that can help fix a lot of update problems. Try running the app and see if the issue will be resolved. To do so;

  • Type troubleshoot into the taskbar search field and select troubleshoot settings.
  • Click Additional troubleshooters
  •  Then click Windows Update.
  • Click Run the troubleshooter.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to get the issue resolved.

I will like to end by describing the Operating System as the lifeblood of a computer because without it, the computer will be more or less useless and this is why it is necessary to regularly update your Windows 10 OS and other Windows versions in general.

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