How to Delete Screen Time History for One App

With your iPhone screen time turned all your iPhone activities will be recorded. If this is something you don’t like, you will learn how to delete screen time history in this article.

Since the iPhone settings don’t state a direct way to delete screen time data then this walkaround will detail how to delete screen time history for one app and in general how to delete screen time history.

Meanwhile, if you are concerned about your daily activities on your iPhone, the best way to track it is via your iPhone screen time. So, once the iPhone screen time is turned off you will no longer be able to track your phone activities including the app you spend most of your time using.

But if you don’t care about that and you are ready to ditch the iPhone screen perhaps to make your phone battery last, then, you need to consider this article on how to delete screen time history on iPhone.

What is iPhone Screen Time?

The screen time feature works mainly to give you a glance at how long you and your spent on your device including the time spend on apps, and a lot more. iPhone screen time helps to track yourself on your phone to find out whether you spent too much time with your phone or you should increase the number of hours spent with your phone.

With this, you’d know whether you are addicted to a particular app or not. If you are addicted to it you can either delete the app or stop your iPhone screen time from monitoring the app activity.

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As a parent, the iPhone screen time makes it easy to monitor what your kids are doing on their devices and how long they have been on their devices

Now, if you still want to go ahead to erase or delete your iPhone screen time, you will learn how to delete your screen time history by following the steps in this guide.

How to Delete Screen Time

By following the steps below you will learn how to delete screen time on iPhone.

  • Launch your iPhone “Settings.”
  • Scroll down and click on “Select Screen Time.”How to Delete Screen Time
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap “Turn off Screen Time.”
  • Click “Confirm.
  • Done

The fastest way to delete iPhone screen time is to turn off the screen time feature on your iPhone settings.

How to Delete Screen Time History

There is only one way to delete your iPhone screen time history and that is to turn off your iPhone screen time to delete all stored screen time history. Turning off your screen time will delete your screen time history and your iPhone will stop monitoring your daily activities on the device.

If you don’t want anyone else to see how long you have spent using your device, the only thing you can do is to turn off the Screen time and turn it back on.

So, turning on and off your iPhone screen time will delete all your screen time history and your phone will offer you a fresh start.

How to Delete Screen Time History for One App

iPhone does not allow users to delete time history for one app except the screen time future is turned off for all activities on the device. However, to delete your iPhone screen time history for one app you’d have to remove or delete the app from your iPhone and stop using it.

However, for the sake of this, we will consider how to delete screen time history on one app by deleting the app. By following the steps below you will learn how to delete apps on your iPhone.

  • Touch and hold the app on the Home Screen
  • Tap Remove App
  • Tap Delete App to delete the app.
  • Done.

Once the app is deleted from your iPhone your phone will no longer be able to record its screen time. However, to use the app again you can re-download and install the app on your iPhone.

But once the app is redownloaded and reinstalled on your iPhone screen time will start recording the app activities once you start using it.

How to Delete Screen Time Without Password

If you are doubting whether you can delete your iPhone screen time without a password here is what you need to know. When you set up your iPhone screen time you’ll be prompted to secure your screen time with a password so that whoever wants to access your screen time would have to provide the password.

If you choose a password you will be prompted to type in the password. However, if during the setup you skipped the password option you will be able to delete your iPhone screen without a password.

How to Delete iPhone Screen Time without a Password

It’s possible to access and delete your iPhone screen time if you can’t remember your screen time password. But, you can only do this with your Apple ID password.

In this part, you will learn how to delete screen time without password with the help of your Apple ID.

  • Open your iPhone Settings
  • Locate and tap on Screen Time.
  • Next, tap “Change Screen Time Pass.
  • Tap it one more time for confirmation
  • Now choose “Forgot your password”
  • Type your “Apple ID” username and password to access your account.
  • Set a new passcode for your “Screen Time.”
  • Type your iPhone “Access code” to confirm this move.

Once you are able to change your screen time password you can decide to delete the screen time password or set up a new password or change it.

How to Delete Screen Time for One Day

One of the things you need to understand about the screen time app is that you cannot delete it for a day, what you can do instead is turn off the screen time for a day and turn it back on.

Therefore, to delete your iPhone screen time for one day and turn it now [if you care] kindly follow the steps below.

  • Launch the iPhone Settings.
  • Scroll down and tap on “Screen Time“.
  • Scroll down and  “Turn off Screen Time” option.
  • Type your “iPhone Screen Time password” and click “OK.”
  • Tap on “Turn off Screen Time.”

With the settings above, your iPhone screen time will remain inactive until you choose to enable it again. And all your activities will no longer be monitored.

How to Delete Screen Time History on Mac

How to Delete Screen Time history on mac

Just as similar as your iPhone, if you want to delete your screen time history from your Mac. you have to turn it off.

That said, here is how to delete screen time on your Mac PC

Navigate to the Apple logo on your screen menu and click it.

  • Click on the System Preferences option.
  • Under System Preferences, locate Screen time and click
  • Once the screen time window, you will see your app usage since the time you last set it.
  • If you want to clear these data, click more in the lower sidebar and Turn off your Screen Time.
  • Now, turn it ON and all the data would be gone

Turning off your screen time data delete the stored data since the time you set or deleted it. Also, you won’t be able to access that info, so you can simply screenshot it before doing this if you want to keep it as a reference

How to Delete Screen Time on iPad

If you want to put an end to your iPad tracking your daily activities with your device then you should also consider turning off the device screen time.

Therefore, by following the steps below you will learn how to delete screen time on iPad.

  • Go to your “iPad Settings.”
  • Locate and tap on “Screen Time”.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the scene and click on the “Turn off Screen Time” option
  • Enter your screen time “Password” and click on “OK.”
  • Click on “Turn off Screen Time.”
  • Done.

With the steps above you’d be able to delete your iPad screen time monitoring.

How to Limit Screen Time for Kids

If you don’t want to delete your kids’ iPhone screen time so that you can monitor their daily activities with their devices you can choose to limit the screen. So, by following the steps below you will learn how to limit screen time for kids.

Here are some tactics you can use

  • Use a timer on your device 
  • Don’t permit them to use their devices in the bedroom
  • Setting a time limit to a specific time e.g (1-2) hours per day
  • Include physical activity in your daily routines.

If you Delete an App does it Show up on Screen time?

If you delete an app it could fix the time limit but then, that doesn’t stop the screen time from counting the total you spent on the app from your iPhone. 

How to Edit Screen Time on iPhone

If you have a reason to edit your iPhone screen then iPhone let you. So, here we will look at how to edit screen time on iPhone.

  • Go to your “iPhone” screen time.
  • Click on “Downtime.”
  • Toggle “On” the option to turn it on.
  • Choose the day you want to edit.
  • Edit it and click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

With apps like break free on your iPhone you can have more controlling power on your iPhone screen time.

Does Screen Time Count Apps Running in Background

No! iPhone screen time doesn’t count apps running in the background section of your phone. For instance, if your WhatsApp is running in the background section of your phone and you have a message or an incoming call on the app but you choose not to either read to receive the call, your iPhone screen time won’t count as part of your screen time because you didn’t open the app.

But if you receive the WhatsApp call and close the app to return to the home screen while the WhatsApp is running in the background it will be recorded as part of your screen time for the day.

So, to answer your question “Does screen time count apps running in the background,” no, your screen time won’t record apps running in the background.

How Do I Make My Screen Time Not Count?

If you don’t want to make your iPhone screen time not count you have to turn it off. The only way to stop your iPhone screen time counting is not to use the feature on your iPhone at all.

All your activities on your iPhone will be monitored and recorded on your iPhone screen time once the iPhone screen time feature is turned on.

However, if you don’t want your iPhone to track your activities on one or more apps you’d have to uninstall the app and reinstall it whenever you want to use the app.

iPhone screen time is an important feature to help monitor your activities on your phone to find out where your spend most of your time whenever you are using your phone. However, with this guide, you should be able to find answers to how to delete iPhone screen time, how to delete screen time history, how to delete screen time history for one app, how to delete screen time data, how to delete screen time for one day and answers to other related questions.

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