How to Enable Nordnet App Dark Mode

After so many deliberations and customers’ requests, Nordnet has decided to roll out the dark mode feature to its official app. The dark mode in apps and the web is the next big thing to keep customers active at night. With the new dark mode on the Nordnet app within a few days, there has been a lot of applause from customers. Therefore, if you are willing to enable the Nordnet app in dark mode here is a guide for you.

According to the report of the official Nordnet app website, the new dark mode is brought to the new release, which is the 8.6.0 release. So, if this is the feature that you have been waiting to use in the Nordnet app at night, then, you will first need to upgrade from the earlier version to version 8.6.0 with the dark mode feature.

Update Nordnet App to 8.6.0 Version

The first step to bringing the dark mode feature to the Nordnet app on your smartphone is to upgrade to the latest release or a minimum version of version 8.6.0.

  • Launch your phone app store (Google play store or Apple store).
  • Search for “Nordnet app” from the app store.
  • Click on “Update”.
  • Done.

The new dark mode released for the Nordnet app will be available and you will be ready to use it.

How to Enable Nordnet App Dark Mode

Follow the procedures below to enable dark mode in the Nordnet app on your Android phone.

  • Launch the “Nordnet app”.
  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on the “Account Profile” located at the top right.
  • Toggle the “Dark Mode” button.
  • This enables the dark mode in the Nordnet app.

The way the dark mode was designed in the Nordnet app customers or users can enable the feature before they sign in to their customer’s account.

Apart from the dark mode feature in the Customer’s settings you can easily change your country of residence, start screen, and change your language.

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