10 Fixes for your GE Microwave not Heating

Your Microwave has one simple job. Which is to heat up what is placed inside it. Now, maybe you are experiencing an issue where you’ve just placed frozen food or leftovers inside your microwave expecting it to get hot in some minutes, however, it all comes out the same. Or maybe the microwave light comes on indicating there is no problem. But your microwave wouldn’t warm your food no matter how long you leave it in there.

If this is you, Then this article is for you since I will be walking you through both the reasons for your GE microwave not heating and the Appropriate troubleshooting steps you can take even if you’ve never operated an electronic device before.

Simple Reasons for your GE Microwave not Heating

Now, before I delve into the reasons for your GE microwave not heating up what you place inside it. You need to be aware of the fact that, generally, Microwaves operate with a high electric voltage and it would be a risky step to take on some of the advanced troubleshooting steps all on your own unless you have experience operating high voltage electronic devices.

However, I will start with the simple reasons you can quickly resolve if you are faced with your GE microwave not heating.

Here we go

Check if you’ve pressed the cook button and Not the timer 

The Timer has one job, which is, to state how long the microwave has to heat whatever you’ve placed inside it. While the cook button’s job is to heat what’s inside the microwave. If you turn on the timer without pressing the cook button. The microwave will not begin the healing process.


Ensure that the microwave door is properly closed

Your GE Microwave won’t begin the heating process if your Door is not properly closed. So you might have to check through to see if it is well closed.

By now, you should have verified these, However, if after doing so your GE microwave is not heating, These are other advanced reasons why your GE microwave isn’t heating.

Advanced Reasons for your GE Microwave not Heating

advanced reasons why GE Microwave not Heating

Just as I mentioned earlier, You do not want to tinker with the inner part of your Microwave device, if you are not experienced with repairing high voltage electrical devices. 

Play it safe by calling an electrician to help deal with it.

Probably, you are experienced with electronic devices or you just want to get a hang of it – Knowing more about the issues your microwave is facing could help you in negotiating a better deal if your electrician feels you know what you are talking about.

Anyway, let’s ride on.

1. Faulty High Volt Diode

The Microwave Diode provides high volts to a component called Magnetron. While the Magnetron works to Heat the Food. If the magnetron doesn’t receive enough power due to a faulty or burnt-out Diode it won’t work properly.

If you are not sure whether the diode is the issue. Here is how you can troubleshoot it.

GE Microwave Troubleshooting

Note: it is a safe practice to turn off the microwave while operating the inner components.

Firstly unplug the microwave and locate the diode by taking out the cabinet

If the diode is burnt out the obvious step is to replace it however if it isn’t you can carry out a simple continuity test using a multimeter. If the multimeter doesn’t reveal continuity in one direction then you need to replace it. if this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

2. Faulty Door switch

As I discussed earlier if your microwave door isn’t properly closed the heating process won’t start, However, what if the door is closed but the switch attached to the is faulty or one of them is faulty.

Obviously, the heating won’t start. You might not easily pick this up if it’s just one switch that is faulty.

Here is how you can troubleshoot the issue

GE microwave Troubleshooting

You can test your microwave door switches for continuity by using a multimeter. If there is no continuity in any of the switches, then the switch.

if this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

3. Burnt Out Magnetron

burned out magnetron

As I mentioned earlier, the diode passed high electric power to the magnetron before the heating can start. The Magnetron has tube-shaped look which contains both cathode and anode.

GE microwave Troubleshooting

If your Magnetron is burned out, the only way out is to replace it.

if this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

4. Faulty High-Volt Capacitor

The high volts capacitor works hand in hand with the Diode, the magnetron and the heating element. The capacitor has one job which is to store up energy during each half cycle while realising it during the other half cycle.

If your capacitor is faulty or has burned out. It would affect the whole system since it is connected to the heating element.

If you are unsure if the capacitor is the one causing your GE microwave not heating here is how to troubleshoot it

GE microwave Troubleshooting

You can use an ohmmeter or a multimeter to carry this test out. If you are using an ohmmeter. The reading should indicate infinity. If not the Capacitor needs a replacement. However, if you are using a Multimeter, you’ll need to use it with a capacity tester to check the capacitor reading.

A reading less than 10uF indicates that it needs a replacement. if this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

5. Defective Transformer

While opening up the inner components of your transformer, One of the acute signals that indicate a faulty transformer is a burning smell. In some instances, you might feel electric shock while operating the Microwave device. if that is the case 

GE microwave Troubleshooting

You have to replace the transformer with another one since you can’t replace it. if this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

6. Blown Thermal Fuse

Blown thermal fuse

As you might be aware, The fuse has one job, which is to trip off the Heating system, once it begins to overheat. Sometimes, a good sign of a blown thermal fused is burnt food or uneven heating. The thermal fuse is present in a a lot of electronic device such as dryers, and iron, if you own a Samsung dryer you can check here to learn more about how to troubleshoot it, if it’s not heating

if you are experiencing any of that here is how you can troubleshoot the device

GE microwave Troubleshooting

To troubleshoot your thermal fuse, you only have to check for continuity using a multimeter, if there isn’t any continuity, Then the thermal fuse needs to be replaced. If this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

7. Tripped Thermoprotector

Just as similar to the thermal fuse the thermal protector has a similar job as the thermal fuse since it also works to trip off the heating system once it is overheating. Once You notice that the Microwave is burning your Foods and your fuse and it’s okay, then the thermal protector might be the issue.

GE microwave Troubleshooting

You might not easily figure this out. However, you can double sure by using a multimeter to make a continuity test to see if it does have continuity. if it doesn’t then it needs a replacement. If this doesn’t resolve your GE microwave not heating move to the next step.

8 . Defective Main Control Board

The control board was purposely placed among the last reasons for your GE microwave not heating since it is the least likely cause of it. However, you can’t write it off, since it could cause it.

But before you get here, my assumption is, that you’ve gone through the Troubleshooting procedure above while you haven’t yet figured out the reason as to why the Ge Microwave isn’t heating.

GE microwave Troubleshooting

Over here, you want to ensure that the microwave control board is connected to the power board at its appropriate connection point. Or check if it isn’t broken. If there is any issue with the control board your best bet is to replace it since it is a very delicate component to repair.

GE microwave is showing off issues like this.

GE Microwave not Heating or Turning

If your GE microwave is not heating but you notice that it is turning, then you might have forgotten to press the cook button, maybe you only turned on the Timer button.

However, if that isn’t the case, then you should call an electrician for immediate repairs.

GE Microwave Magnetron Replacement

The magnetron works with the diode since it is connected in series to it while receiving high voltage from it. If your magnetron is faulty you can get a replacement by checking over here. While also referring to the microwave model number.

GE Microwave Magnetron Recall

A list of GE product recalls is available on the GE Appliances website, which indicates that, as of 2015, there has been a micro-oven combo recall which took place in 2007. However, there have been no recalls for any stand-alone microwave oven units.

GE Microwave Diode Replacement Cost

The replacement cost depends on the model of GE microwave you are using. The lowest you can spend on a microwave is $10 while it shouldn’t exceed $25.

GE Magnetron Price

The price of a GE magnetron varies with the model the lowest you can get is $65 while the highest price should be around $150.

Why is my GE microwave Running but not Heating?

In a scenario where your GE microwave is not heating but you notice that it is running, then you haven’t pressed the cook button, maybe you only turned on the Timer button.

However if that isn’t the case, the n you should call an electrician for immediate repairs.

Is There a Reset Button on the GE Microwave?

It doesn’t have a “Hard reset button, but you can carry out a soft reset by pressing the “Off/clear” button for 3-5 seconds to move out of any program you have started.


By now, you should have figured out the reasons behind your GE microwave not heating and the possible steps to take to Troubleshoot it. However, to be on the safer side, You should call an electrician to repair it for you unless you have some experience with electrical devices.

If so, you want to make sure the device is unplugged while operating it, since it is a high voltage device and you don’t want to tinker with it while it’s still connected.

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