How to Delete Flipagram Post

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to delete your Flipagram account or a post from your Flipagram account (now Vigo Video) you can easily do that with just a click. You have control over your posts on Flipagram and your account. You may choose to close your account or delete your posts on the platform without deleting your account.

In this article, we will state how to delete Flipagram post without deleting your Flipagram account and how to delete your Flipagram account to delete your Flipagram post at the same time.

How to Delete a Flipagram Account

With the steps below, you will learn how to delete your Flipagram account and delete your Flipagram post at the same time. However, it’s worth noting that you cannot delete your Flipagram account from the Flipagram app. You need to contact Flipagram customer service before you can delete your account to delete flipagram post

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  • Sign into your email address. This has to be the email address that is associated with your Flipagram account. This will enable the team member handling your case to be able to identify and act promptly to delete your account.
  • Set the recipient email address to
  • Set the email subject to “Delete My Account Info” or “Please Help me to Delete my Flipagram Account.”
  • Write in the body of the message in a clear sentence that you want to delete your Flipagram account and all information associated with your account including all your posts.

Note: Flipagram is now Vigo Video. These same steps still work.

How to Delete Flipagram Post

This will teach you how to delete a post on Flipagram or Vido video. Just follow the steps highlighted below.

  • Launch the “Flipagram or Vido Video” app on your phone.
  • Tap “Me” at the bottom right corner of the app.
  • Locate the post you want to delete from your account and click on the three dots at the top right.
  • Tap “Delete” if you are using an Android phone or “Discard” if you are using an iPhone.
  • Click “Confirm” on Android or “OK” on iPhone to delete the selected post.

The selected post will be deleted permanently from your Vigo Video or Flipagram account.

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