How to Fix Common Hisense TV Problems

Starting from Hisense TV black screen problem to Hisense Roku TV picture problem down to Hisense TV remote not working are a few Hisense TV problems you will probably encounter. So, in this article, we will focus on how to troubleshoot Hisense TV problems using this post as a guide.

When your Hisense TV develop a problem, let’s say Hisense TV black screen problem, what would come to your mind is to return the TV or contact a technician to help you look into it which is a smart move. But, you can troubleshoot the Hisense problem to see if the problem (s) is under control.

Hisense TV Problems

In this regard, we are looking at different Hisense TV problems and how to troubleshoot them. Meanwhile, from our research, we concluded that there are about 8 common Hisense TV problems that you will likely come across too often.

Hisense TV Problems

These problems include the following.

  • Hisense TV won’t turn on.
  • Hisense Smart TV screen is flickering.
  • Black Hisense TV screen
  • Hisense TV brightness control
  • Light indicator blinking consistently on your Hisense TV.
  • Hisense TV sound problem
  • Hisense TV turns off itself after turning on.
  • Can’t connect Hisense TV to WiFi.

Even though there are many other Hisense smart TV problems, these problems are widely searched for. So, we will concentrate on how to troubleshoot these Hisense TV problems.

How to Troubleshoot Hisense TV Won’t Turn on

Here is how to troubleshoot your Hisense TV if it won’t turn on. However, before we proceed with this troubleshooting, you want to ensure that the power cable is perfectly connected to the TV as well as the wall socket or suction box. 

If after the above step and the TV won’ turn on, then follow the suggestions below.

Check to confirm that the TV is Turned On

The Hisense TV could be working fine BUT if the TV cable is not connected to the suction box or wall socket it won’t turn on no matter how hard you try.

Sometimes, when you turn on your Hisense TV and the power cable shakes from the wall socket it can turn off indistinctly. To confirm this, follow the steps below.

  • Unplug the TV from the wall socket.
  • Plug another device into the socket to check whether the socket is working.
  • If the plugged device won’t turn on as well it could mean that there is a problem with the socket.
  • Check another working socket and plug in a device different from the Hisense TV if it works then plug the Hisense TV into the same socket and turn it on. If the Hisense TV won’t turn on then the problem isn’t with the power socket it could mean that the TV power button is at fault.

Try to Power Cycle the TV

Even though this approach works for a variety of assignments on your smart TV, let us try to power cycle the Hisense TV to see whether it will fix the Hisense TV won’t turn on problem.

  • Unplug the Hisense TV from the socket.
  • Wait for about 30 minutes or more to start the power-cycling process.
  • After a minimum of 30 minutes, plug the TV into the socket and press the TV power button to turn the TV on.

This Hisense TV troubleshooting works for most known and unknowns Hisense TV problems.

Hisense Smart TV Screen is Flickering

Flickering is a common Hisense problem. The moment you start to notice a visible change in your Hisense TV brightness between the TV cycle display in the video settings then there is a problem with your Hisense.

Meanwhile, you may not quickly notice this the TV attached components are at fault.

However, when your Hisense TV is flickering, the following Hisense TV problems troubleshooting can help you out.

  • Move away from all interfering devices such as phones or related gadgets that can cause flickering on the TV. If these interfering devices are moved away and the TV stop flicking then you would know that the causing of the TV flicking is/are the device(s) that you moved away from the TV.
  • The power outlet could be faulty. So, try a different outlet to see if it works.

Now, this should solve this problem. Otherwise, consider the approach below in troubleshooting your Hisense.

Turn off Hisense TV Energy Saving Feature

Hisense TV energy-saving feature looks too good on the TV but could cause a problem on the device. Therefore, we will consider how to troubleshoot your Hisense TV by disabling the TV energy-saving feature.

  • Go to your Hisense TV “Settings.”
  • Highlight and select “Picture.”
  • Go to “Picture Mode” >> Energy Saving.”
  • Choose “Picture Mode.”

While in the picture mode, play around with the settings to get the best of your Hisense TV mode. However, you need to take this one after the other to find out which of the options is causing the TV flickering problem.

If this didn’t fix this problem on your Smart TV then you want to check out the TV motherboard. It could cause a flicking problem on your smart TV.

Black Hisense TV screen

With Hisense TV black screen you won’t be able to see any picture. Although, you might be hearing the TV sound the picture will be blank.

And this could be a result of the TV T-Con board. Although, fixing this problem on your Hisense TV requires an expert. But, here is a quick overview of how to fix the Hisense TV black screen problem.

So, here is how to fix the Hisense TV death screen which is often referred to as the TV black screen.

Note: If the TV power light blinks it could be a problem with the TV software. So, if you have your way into the TV consider updating the software.

  • Unplug the TV from the power outlet
  • Remove the TV power cord from the back of the TV to power cycle or soft reset the TV
  • Wait 5 seconds,
  • Insert the TV plug back into a working outlet.
  • Press the TV power button

This is another underrated troubleshooting to fix the Hisense TV problem black screen related.

Hisense TV Brightness Control

Another Hisense Problem you may encounter is the TV brightness whether it’s too low or high. However, to solve this, you need to play around with the Hisense TV brightness settings for your desired brightness settings.

Meanwhile, for perfect brightness settings on your Hisense, we recommend the following.

  • Picture Mode: Theatre Night
  • Backlight: 52
  • Brightness: 51
  • Colour: 49
  • Colour Space: Auto
  • Contrast: 47
  • Colour Temperature: Low
  • Gamma: 2
  • HDMI 2.0 format: Enhanced
  • HDMI Dynamic Range: Auto (This parameter is not adjustable)
  • Local Dimming: High
  • Sharpness: 0
  • Tint: 0

Although the Hisense TV brightness above doesn’t default. So, feel free to tweak the brightness settings until you are satisfied with the display. And in the long run, if there is a parament you don’t understand, the parameter should be set to the minimum level.

Also, regarding the RGB colour settings, don’t alter them. Leave them to default.

But, if you are not too good with the brightness you should consider a factory setting to resolve everything on your TV to its original state.

Red Light Indicator Blinking Non-stop

Your TV red light or power light shouldn’t be blinking non-stop. If you are experiencing this, then, this is probably a problem with your TV hardware.

When this happens, you only need to reboot your TV and you are good. But, if the error isn’t cleared, you may need the service of a technician.

Since the red light indicate an error [the red light should go off once your TV is turned on], the red light blinking indicates that the TV has encountered an error that the TV could not solve at the moment.

Therefore, check these suggestions on how you can fix your Hisense TV red light blinking problem.

Turn off and on the TV

You want to quickly turn off the TV and turn it on after some minutes.

  • Turn off the TV by pressing the TV power button or remote power button.
  • Unplug the TV from the outlet and the back of the TV.
  • Wait for as long as you are. But 30 seconds is enough if you don’t have all day.
  • Plug the TV into the power outlet and turn on your TV.

If the red light stopped blinking then you are done. Otherwise, check out the other recommendations below.

Clear your TV Vent

If the TV vent is blocked it can cause overheating on the TV. So, if the red light keeps blinking on your Hisense TV because the vent is blocked in one way or the other, then, you want to clear the vent to create enough room for ventilation around the TV.

Update your Hisense TV Firmware

When the Hisense TV red light keeps blinking it means that there is an error software or hardware problem. So, it is advisable to check out whether there is a firmware update available. So, you would want to update the firmware to the latest version.

Follow the procedures below to update your Hisense smart TV firmware to fix the Hisense TV problem.

  • Go to your Hisense TV settings.
  • Highlight and select “Support.”
  • Scroll to and select “System Update.”
  • Select “Check Firmware Update.”
  • If there is an update available the TV will download and install it.

During the update, the TV might restart several, don’t tamper with it to avoid more problems. Once the firmware update is completed, the TV will pop up a notification that the update has been completed.

Hisense TV sound problem

You can do a lot to fix this Hisense TV problem. When your TV is turned on, no dead screen/black screen, no red light blinking, but no sound. Here are what you should consider.

  • Check if the speaker is connected if you are using external speakers.
  • Check the TV volume to ensure that it’s not in the minimum state or the TV volume is muted.
  • Is your ribbon cable working? If not, you need to inspect the cable as this might cause no sound in your Hisense TV.
  • Your signal cable isn’t working.
  • Force to Restart the Hisense TV
  • This sounds ridiculous though but this is a measure you want to take to fix your Hisense TV no sound problem.
      • Press and hold the TV power button until it turns off.
      • Wait for some minutes.
      • Turn on the TV again.
      • Listen to the TV if welcome TV is loud enough.
    • If the power-on sound is not available then you might need to see a technician.

Hisense TV no sound is one of the few technical problems of Hisense. However, if the problem isn’t hardware-related, the suggestions above are the best way to handle the problem.

Hisense TV Turn off itself after Turning on.

Overheating can cause your Hisense TV to turn off by itself when you turn on the TV. It could also be the TV power problem. At this juncture, you may need to replace the Hisense TV capacitor if it has to do with the power.

However, a good way to start fixing the Hisense TV turn off by itself after turn on is to create enough ventilation for your TV. Ensure that the TV is not generating excess heat that can cause the TV to drop dead when it’s turned on.

The steps to fix Hisense TV problems depends on the nature of the problem, so what works for you might not work for me. Therefore, for a quick approach to fix the problem you think your Hisense TV is facing is to first discover the problem and follow the steps provided in this article to fix it.

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