How to Fix a Laptop that is Overheating

Laptops right now are a powerful tool used for several purposes. And as the years go by, new laptops with improved CPU, Memory are manufactured and shipped into our markets. However, laptop overheating are considerable one of the reasons most users prefer desktop to laptop.

The Laptops we have right now, cannot be compared to those one’s produced in 2010, because the new one comes with much more improved CPU, GPU, Memory, Graphics Card, Battery which makes them stand out.

Laptop verheating is a regular phenomenon that users of laptops face and are finding a genuine way to fix it once and for all.

Overheating of your laptop is caused by different factors, some of which you know and some you have no idea of.

Your laptop overheating always poses a great risk to the health or lifespan of your laptop and that is because laptop consists of smaller components that are very tangible.

The smaller components come in the form of Capacitor, Resistor, Transistor, Diodes etc. which are made even smaller and lighter. When these components get damaged, you’ll find out that some functions on your laptop will not work.

Overheating is something you should avoid if you want your laptop to stay longer and healthier.

When I bought my laptop newly, I never knew that overheating was among the major threats to the life span of my laptop.

What I always witness is the constant heating on the cooling fan and sometimes the Magnetic hard disk.

Laptop overheating

Causes of overheating on Laptops

Here are some of the causes of overheating in laptops

Cooling system, not enough

You find out that your laptop gets even hotter whenever in use. The fans kick into gear and at some points reduces it Revolution Per Minute.

Your laptop faces insufficient cooling when your cooling fan cannot produce more air to the internal components. This may be as a result of dead or weak cooling fan on your motherboard.

As soon as you notice that your cooling fan isn’t doing much work as it is supposed to, then know that the fan has started failing. And once your fan is weak or dead, your laptop is in trouble.

If detected, try to consult a qualified repair or contact your laptop manufacturer for assistance to get your laptop cooling fan repaired or even replaced.

Insufficient air circulation

Have you heard about that before, well it is not new because whenever there is insufficient circulation of air within the laptop internal components, overheating occurs.

Insufficient circulation can come in the form of blockage of the air vents, which prevents air from circulating properly.

Blockage of air deprives air from the atmosphere of getting into your laptop and the same time, your laptop cooling fan could no longer send in the fresh air and discharge hot air already in the system.

Using software/ Tools with high consumables

You should always avoid installing software or tools with much memory than that of which is already installed on your laptop. Before you install any program on your laptop, ensure you look at the requirements written on the program before you install them.

When you install the program with more resource consuming files, you overwork your CPU and RAM. These programs can result to slow user interface.

How to fix your overheating laptop

Here we’ll explain how to fix your laptop if it’s overheating without going to an engineer.

  1. Increase the cooling system
  2. Close Programs/Files
  3. Employ (buy) an external cooling fan
  4. Always place your laptop on flat hard or smooth surfaces
  5. Regular Maintenance

Increase the cooling system

The best thing you can do for your laptop is to increase the cooling system by regularly checking for faults on your processor fan or troubleshooting and maintenance.

Closing Resource Consuming Programs/Files

Resources files

Your laptop overheating can be caused by several factors which are hardware and software related. Do this to prevent internal overheating.

Step 1: Close programs, files, tabs etc.

Step 2: Shutdown the laptop

Step 3: Unplug it from the A.C Power source.

Step 4: Allow the laptop to stay cool for some couple of minute before use.

Employ (buy) an external cooling fan

Overheating laptop

You can make use of external cooling fans to help in the cooling process when your internal cooling fan could not effectively reduce the heat.

External cooling fans are good and because they offer much more air cooling system than the internal cooling fans although sometimes it can be a daunting task to carry them along with you.

Before you buy an external cooling fan, ensure to check out for the power rating, revolution/per minute, frequency etc.

Note: Some external cooling fans are battery powered while others are not.

Always place your laptop on flat hard or smooth surfaces

Laptop chair flat

Your laptop shouldn’t be placed on a soft surface like a bed made chairs, on clothes and on your bed. As soon as you do so, your cooling fan will no longer circulate or receive air from the atmosphere.

Instead of placing your laptop on your bed, place a book or any flat surface on top of the bed, then place the laptop on it.

This is just of a way avoiding insufficient air circulation which triggers overheating.

Regular Maintenance

You should take your laptop to any manufacturer outlet for regular maintenance. After some time, some external agents such as dust will cling your laptop processor fan blade and result in the improper rotation.

Potential damages to your laptop as a result of overheating

There are adverse effects that may arise due to overheating of your laptop and this will affect the lifespan of your laptop.

1. Slow system performance: Your entire laptop system performance will start to fail because some internal components after started developing faults.

2. RAM Damage: Your RAM may get damaged as a result of overheating because constant or excess heat may cause the RAM to fail.

3. CPU Damage: Your central processing unit is the brain of your laptop as once it is affected, your laptop may even crash.

4. Faulty external outlets: Overheating may cause your external socket outlets from working properly.

5. Damage of cards: Laptops rely on several cards to perform. Any damage to these cards may result in complete system failure.

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