How long do Modems last?

Modems are essential portable devices used in modern-day communication. Their uses can’t be overemphasized, especially when in need of a seamless and fast internet connection. You might want to know how long do modems last especially if you are Internet savvy.

You will get to know the life span of a modem and how to use your modems that will make them last longer.

MODEM is a short form for MOdulatorDEModulator is a hardware device that connects a computer or router to a broadband network. A modem converts data to a signal so it can be easily sent and received over a phone line, cable, or satellite connection.

These days, having a high-speed, stable internet connection is a necessity. Unless you intend to use a mobile hotspot, which requires a phone plan to operate, you will one time or another need a modem to connect and stay connected. Read on as we unravel how long do modems last.How long do Modems last

How Modems were Invented 

The initial version of modems converted digital data for transmission over analog telephone lines. The speed of these modems which was named after Emile Baudot was called baud.

As computer technology developed, the measurements were converted into bits per second. The first commercial modems supported a speed of 110 bps and were used by the U.S. Department of Defense, news services, and some large businesses.

Modems gradually became popular between the 1970s through the 1980s as public message boards and news services like CompuServe were built on early internet infrastructure.

With the explosion of the World Wide Web in the mid and late 1990s, dial-up modems emerged as the primary form of internet access in many households around the world.How long do Modems last

Types of Computer Modems

How long do modems last could also be determined by the type of modem you have? Even though modems are used by connecting it to the computer via the USB port, there are several types of modems in case you want to get one. Modems are similar to Routers in functionality but they are different in several other ways. Check out their difference here:

Onboard modem: These modems are built on the computer motherboard. They cannot be removed, but can only be disabled.

Internal modem: These modems are connected to a PCI slot inside a newer desktop computer or an ISA slot on an older computer.

External modem: These modems are in a box that connects to the computer externally, using a serial port or USB port.

Removable modem: They are used with an older laptop’s PCMCIA slot and can be added or removed as needed.

The aforementioned are the types of computer modems available for your purchase.How long do Modems last

The Lifespan of a Modem

Most people do not think about the lifespan of their modem. They are more concerned with other factors like; how good their Wi-Fi connection is, how fast their internet speed is, and the speed of their graphics card. Sadly, this means that a lot of people are using an outdated modems and they don’t even know. They blame their problems on other parts of their computer such as the internet connection, ISP, or other hardware and software malfunctions.

It’s important to know when a modem is bad and needs a replacement. Keep reading to find out more ob how long do modems last.

How long do Modems last?

How long do Modems Last?

How long do modems last depends on each user. The more you use your computer, the more likely you are to have issues with your cable modem. Internet connectivity issues signal that your modem has an issue, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your modem is dying.

Higher-quality modems are built to last longer but even with proper care and maintenance, no modem lasts forever. With advances in technology and changes in internet service providers, you’ll need to replace or upgrade your modem. Plus, modems begin to lose durability over time and might eventually stop working.

Modems can last between two to five years, but there are a lot of factors involved, such as:

  • The quality of the modem.
  • How well you take care of it.
  • Changes in technology.
  • Your computer and technology

You may be able to use your modem for six or seven years or more, but if your modem is two or three years old and you experience issues, you may need to replace your modem.How long do Modems last?

Why is my Modem not Working?

Like any piece of equipment, modems can stop functioning for several reasons. Some of these reasons could be:

Power outage: Without a surge protector, sudden power outages or voltage spikes could fry the electrical components within the modem, causing it to stop working.

Moisture: Another reason why modems can stop working or have glitches is because of high humidity in the air or moisture buildup inside components.

Overheating: Most modems are built with standard cooling equipment, but even they can overheat, especially when they are constantly running. Not only that, but dust can build up inside them, which compounds the overheating problem.

Faulty components: While modems should be built with high-quality components, sometimes the product could come with faulty or damaged parts.

How to make Modems last longer

Some modems don’t last as long as they should because of improper maintenance or overuse. To make your modem last longer, follow the steps below:

Get a surge protector: One of the best ways to protect a modem is with a surge protector. That way, when the power suddenly goes out, the surge protector will prevent the different components inside the modem from getting damaged.

Keep it in a safe place: Put your modem in a location where it can’t be easily bumped or knocked over. But make sure it’s still accessible for troubleshooting.

Signs that show it’s time to replace your modem

There are several ways to tell if it’s time to get a new modem. Once you see any of these signs, just know it’s time to get a new modem:

  • The internet connection randomly drops or noticeably slows down. If upload and download speeds are fluctuating a lot, it could be a sign of the components in the modem no longer working efficiently.
  • It’s impossible to connect to the internet at all. This could be due to a slow modem, ISP, or other connecting devices. Before replacing the modem, try to eliminate other causes. Perform a speed test online or readjust the antennae to see if that fixes the problem.

We hope this article was helpful to you. What are the issues you have with your modem if you have one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.


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