A new Kohl’s charge card must be activated after getting it in the mail just like most consumer credit cards. To activate a new kohl’s charge card is compulsory to prevent any fraudulent activity on the card in case it gets stolen before you receive it. To activate most credit cards in the early years, you will need to call from a landline phone but today, Kohl’s offers a few additional activation procedures.
Do you shop regularly at Kohl’s store or on Kohls.com frequently? Then, apply for a Kohl’s Card and save more than ever before! Your Kohl’s Card gives you access to extra savings coupons all over the year. Also, you can save up to 35% on your purchase, on your first day of using your Kohl’s Card.
Most times, Kohl’s charge card is sent to you inactive to protect you from possible identity theft. . You can activate a new kohl’s charge card from the company’s website when you sign in with a computer, although there are limitations when you use a mobile device.
The activation process involves you admitting that you have truly received your card. If you don’t, someone else can activate it and make payments directly from your account.
There are three fundamental ways through which you can activate a new Kohl’s charge card, they are activation done online, via the phone, or by visiting a Kohl’s store in person. We will be discussing these in full detail below in this post.
Activate a New Kohl’s Charge Card Online
Customers can activate a card as soon as 24 hours after a card has been requested, however you should not try activating until you’ve received your card in the mail.
- Go to the kohls.com website and register as a new card user. You will need to open the account registration page by clicking the “My Kohl’s Charge” tab. It is found at the top right corner of the account registration page.
- Go to the “Register Now” section and enter the charge card number (12 digits).
- After creating a username and password, you will be required to choose a security question and provide an answer to it. When creating the username and password, you will need to combine uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. These are case-sensitive. You will be asked the security question if you ever forget your username or password. Don’t forget to input your current email address.
- Click “Submit“ to complete the registration. To verify the registration, open your email address and click the link provided.
- Now your online account is up and running.
- Log in using your correct username and password. After this, you can now activate a new Kohl’s charge card.
- Open “Account Summary” and tap “Activate Now”, which is the green button at the upper part of the page.
- Select “Ok“ and you will be taken away from the “Account Activated” window/page.
In this simple and easy way above, your card will be activated online.
Activate a Kohl’s Charge Card by Phone
In case you are unable to activate a new Kohl’s charge card online, you can do so with your phone. All you require are the basic information like the card number, social security number, and so on. During the activation process, you may be asked to supply this information.
First, you will call this number: (800)-954-0244. Once connected, follow the audio instructions directed. Go through the whole process and your kohl’s charge card will be activated easily.
Activate a New Kohl’s Charge Card Physically In-Store
You can also activate a new Kohls Charge card instantly without having to go through phone activation or the online procedure. It is quite easy; simply visit a nearby Kohl’s store and buy something. After making the payment, you will have your Kohls Cash card will be activated.
That may you need to use your Kohl’s credit card immediately without going through the online or phone activation process. All you need to do is visit your nearest Kohl’s store to make a purchase. Once you make the payment, your card will be activated that simple and easy.
As you can see, activating a Kohl’s charge card is very easy. If you want to use your card immediately after receiving it, you may want to go with it to the store to make a purchase.
Don’t get yourself worked out in case you find yourself at a Kohl’s store with a new Kohl’s charge card that hasn’t been activated. You can present the new card with photo identification at the time of purchase, and the cashier will help activate the card. Also, you can visit the Customer Service department at a Kohl’s store to activate a new Kohl’s charge card without making a purchase.
After activating your charge card, you are ready to shop at any Kohl’s location or online at www.kohls.com. As the major owner or authorized user, you can activate all cards on the account. Only a primary owner or authorized user is allowed to activate their cards online.
Activate a Kohl’s Charge Card Via Customer Service
Kohl’s customers can also activate a new charge card by contacting Kohl’s Kohl’s Customer service on phone by dialing (800) 954-0244 or (855) 564-5748. Customer Service should be informed about any problem encountered while signing into Credit.Kohls.com or charge card activation. You can also send an email to Customer Service at MyKohlsCharge@Kohls.com.
A new Kohl’s Charge card can be used once it’s activated, either in a Kohl’s store location or on the store’s retail website at Kohls.com. Old Kohl’s charge cards are automatically deactivated when new cards are activated and can no longer be used. Kohl recommends cutting up and discarding the cards after it has been deactivated.
Troubleshooting Tips to Try If you Can’t Activate Your Kohl’s Card
In case you’ve tried activating your Kohl’s charge card via the online method, phone, physically in the store and you have also contacted the Kohl’s customer care and you still can’t activate a new Kohl’s charge card, then try the following fixes below:
Forgot your username
- Tap on the Forgot User Name link on the sign-in page of My Kohl’s Card.
- Enter your full, 12-digit card number and complete the verification process with a temporary identification code.
- After the verification process, your User Name will occupy you. Take note of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Forgot my password
- Tap on the Forgot Password link on the sign-in page of My Kohl’s Card.
- Enter your User Name and complete the verification process with a temporary identification code.
- After the verification process, a temporary password will be emailed to you. Using the temporary password, create your new password quickly.
Locked out of my account
- Wait for a few hours and your account will be reset.
- Note that Customer Service is unable to unlock your account.
Still can’t log in to your Kohl’s Card account? Then you can re-register your account to gain access to your information or you received an error / your issue is not listed above, kindly contact Customer Service on 855-564-5748 or by sending a mail to MyKohlsCard@kohls.com.
I hope this article was helpful, feel free and let’s know your thought if you were able to activate a new Kohl’s charge card. For a related article, click here.