How to Fix ADT Doorbell Camera Blinking Red Light

What does the red light mean on the ADT doorbell camera, and how do you fix the ADT doorbell camera blinking red light? If that is what you are searching for, this article will walk you through what to know about ADT blinking red light, what it means, and how to fix the red light blinking on your ADT doorbell.

First, when you get a new ADT doorbell camera, you need to understand the light indication. Once you understand the ADT doorbell light, you will understand how to solve the blinking whenever it occurs.

Therefore, before we proceed with how to fix the ADT doorbell camera blinking red light, let’s quickly take a look at the different types of light you will see in the ADT doorbell camera.How to fix ADT Doorbell Camera Blinking Red Light

What is ADT Doorbell Camera Blinking Red Light

The ADR doorbell camera red light is an indication that your ADT camera battery is low, and the camera may fail at any moment. The ADT blinking red light indicates danger with the ADT doorbell camera battery, which may die at any moment and stop the doorbell camera from working.

And when this happens, the ADT camera will disconnect itself from the WiFi, which implies that you will have to reconnect the ADT doorbell camera to the WiFi once the battery is charged.

However, the ADT doorbell camera red light is different from the green light. Both lights send different signals.

Just the way the ADT doorbell camera blinking red light could indicate a network failure when the doorbell camera battery is dead while the ADT doorbell camera blinking green light indicates that the camera WPS button is active.

With that understood, we can proceed with the steps to take to fix the ADT doorbell camera blinking red light and restore the doorbell to active service.

How to Charge ADT Doorbell Camera Battery

The process to charge your ADT doorbell battery is quite straightforward. However, the battery takes about 6 – 8 hours to be fully charged. However, you do not need to disconnect the ADT doorbell from the battery before you can charge the battery.

Meanwhile, for your ADT battery, it takes up to 24 hours for the battery to fully charge.

With that, we are going to walk you through how to charge your ADT doorbell camera to stop the doorbell from blinking red light.

  • Press the ADT doorbell camera tab button on the doorbell mounting bracket to remove the battery pack from the bell.
  • Remove the mounting bracket by sliding the doorbell upward.
  • Plug the ADT battery charge micro-USD charge to the battery charging port.
  • Wait for about 6 to 8 hours to fully charge the battery. 
  • Once the battery is fully charged, a strong green light will appear on the battery to show that the battery has been charged fully.
  • Insert the battery and the pack downward on the doorbell mounting bracket until it keys into the spot with a sound to confirm that.

Once you have completed the process above, the ADT doorbell camera blinking red indication should disappear. Otherwise, you need to connect the doorbell to your WiFi or confirm whether the doorbell is connected to the WiFi.

How to Change ADT Doorbell Camera Battery

If the ADT doorbell blinking red light didn’t stop, you might need to change the battery. And doing this implies that you need to spend a few dollars to buy a genuine battery. For the best ADT doorbell camera battery, we recommend this product.

Note: Before you proceed to change your ADT doorbell camera battery, you should put your device into test mode to prevent a false alarm.

  • Open the ADT system panel using the key that is located at the top left of the doorbell panel.
  • Disconnect the ADT doorbell camera panel from the battery by removing the wire connecting both devices together.
  • Remove the old battery and insert the new ADT Battery you get from your local vendor or via the link above.
  • Replace the ADT doorbell camera wire accordingly. Ensure that the red wire is connected to the red wire from the battery and the black goes to the black wire on the battery.
  • Close the battery panel and charge the battery fully. This may take about 24 hours before inserting it into the ADT doorbell. However, once the battery is fully charged, the ADT blinking red may last for a couple of days before it will clear off itself.

Once you have successfully removed the battery and replaced it with a new one, ensure to turn off the test mode and enable alarm mode.

You can check out:

How to Reset ADT Doorbell Camera

With the steps to charge and change your ADT doorbell camera, the ADT doorbell camera blinking red light should be fixed. However, if the doorbell keeps blinking red light, you may consider restarting it. 

Therefore, the steps below explain how to restart your ADT doorbell camera to fix the red blinking on the device.

  • Press and hold the ADT doorbell reset button at the back of the device for about 10 seconds.
  • Hang on for the reset process to take place. After 60 to 120 seconds, the ADT doorbell will restart to complete the reset process.

The process to reset your ADT doorbell camera above works for both the wired and wireless ADT doorbells.

If you have come this far, you’d have to learn how to fix your ADT doorbell camera blinking red light and how to reset the ADT doorbell. 

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