How to Turn Off Auto Apply Recommendations in Google Ads

If you are bothered about your Google Ads taking command from Google suggestion after it has set up to run on your predefined settings then you can turn it off. Turning off recommendation in Google Ads gives you control over how Google manage your ads using auto-suggestions. Therefore, in this guide, you will learn about how to turn off auto apply recommendations in Google ads

Meanwhile, before you turn off the auto apply recommendation in Google ads you want to know that your settings will perform better than the ad’s suggestion otherwise your ads might underperform.

At the same time, do not turn off the auto apply recommendation in Google ads if your ads are perform better because altering the settings can make them underperform. So, you only want to turn off auto apply recommendations on new ads or ads you think are not performing up to your expectations and the cost os extremely high.

In this article, you will learn about how to turn off auto apply recommendations in Google ads.How to Turn Off Auto Apply Recommendations in Google Ads

How to Turn Off Auto Apply Recommendations in Google Ads

  • Go to “” on your web browser.
  • Tap on the “Sign In” button at the top right.
  • Sign in with your “Gmail and Password.”
  • You will be taken to your “Google Ads” campaign page.
  • Choose “Settings.”
  • Choose “Account Settings” on the navigation.
  • Go to “Ad suggestions” and choose “Don’t automatically apply ad suggestions.
  • Click on the “Apply” button to save changes.

With these settings implemented the “Google Ads recommendation” option will be disabled and you won’t have to bother about your Google Ads taking command from the auto suggestions.

How to Enable Auto Tagging in Google Ads

You need to enable auto tagging in Google Ads if you want to be able to monitor keyword performance and the cost of running your ads campaign otherwise you will have to tag your keywords manually. But to save you the stress of tagging your keyword manually you can use the feature to tag keywords and cost for detailed analytics of ads campaign.

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click Settings on the left side of the “Menu.”
  3. Click the Account settings tab on the navigation
  4. Choose the Auto-tagging section.
  5. Choose “Tag the URL that people click through from my ad” to enable “auto-tagging.”
  6. Click Save.

You can disable the auto-tagging feature by disabling the feature to tag the URL that people click through from my ad.

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