How to Protect Documents from Plagiarism

In as much as copyright protection is automatic under international law, you need to learn how to protect documents from plagiarism because in case your work violates evidence, it may be required to support your claim.

  It also helps to deter infringement (especially from those who do not understand copyright) if you make it clear that your work is protected by copyright law.  So ensuring the best protection for your business depends on several factors.

You may write an important or sensitive document in Microsoft Word.  And you want to keep it private or at least safe.  You may want to make sure that only you and certain people can read or edit it.  You may want to limit the types of edits anyone can make to a document.  You might want to make sure the readers of the document that this is the final version.  You can do all of this and more if you know what tools to use to protect documents from plagiarism and how to use them.

Dashing your ideas and ideas requires a lot of creativity and skill.  Not everyone is ready for this and does not have the talent for writing.  Somehow, with the help of the Internet, your work can be easily stolen and (whether) ends intentionally or unintentionally without identifying you as an author.

How can you protect documents from plagiarism where it must be accessible to everyone to get references but want to prevent content theft from getting the credit you deserve?  There are effective and stress-free ways to monitor and prevent your content from being stolen.

How to protect Documents from Plagiarism
How to protect Documents from Plagiarism

How to protect documents from plagiarism

Here, we recommend some approaches to protect your documents online from plagiarism.

 Post a Copyright Warning

Write strong, absolute terms and conditions for republishing, copying, and quoting and in any form of use of your work or any part of it.  Explain that any use of your business content must require your strict permission and must be properly attributed to it as a product of your creativity, skill, and work.

Create clear terms and conditions for the use of your content.  Make sure you comply with the terms and be consistent when requesting attribution or requesting the placement of such content that you believe was stolen from you.

Basically, a copyright notice is just a small amount of your page.  But it is important to warn indirectly of content theft that you are protected by copyright and anti-spoofing law.

Save and Date all Original Work

The first thing you want to do is make sure to save all of your original works and history and make copies of them.  There are several different ways you can do this: you can print and document your work; you can mail your work to yourself so that it has a history of a postal tag (also known as “poor man’s copyright”), or you can make sure that the original copy is saved correctly to a device  Your computer.  These procedures will help you if you ever need to bring someone to court, but it may not be sufficient on its own.  That’s because registering officially for copyright is the only way to get enough evidence to stand in a court of law.

  Use Personal Fingerprints

When writing, you should leave special or note words that indicate your signature.  Some writers use the same words to emphasize an idea or opinion.  This may sound like a grammatical mistake but often leaves your character’s signature writing style unconscious.

One example is the best author of J.K.  Rolling.  “Night Dead” and “Deadly Hallows” are the most frequently used words that are always included in all of her books.  Harry Potter fans may have noticed the repeated words in the book.  This does not mean that she has limited vocabulary skills, but she deliberately left fingerprints on his published material by writing her favorite words many times in most of his novels.

In the same way with published written and visual materials, all works must have a unique brand that can easily be associated with you as an author or designer.  A 1997 study at Harvard University demonstrated that watermarking data such as audio, images, and video clips is a sublime visual method of commenting, copyright, and ownership control.  Visible tags can easily be included in all data content.  Copying and downloading capabilities can also be added to audio, photos, and videos as well.

How to Protect Documents from Plagiarism (MS Word)

The latest version of Office 365 from Microsoft Word offers several options for securing your document.  You can set a document to open it in read-only mode to prevent accidental adjustments.  You can encrypt the document so that no one can access it without the correct password.  You can specify the content that can be edited within a document and how to edit it.  You can add a digital signature to ensure no one is tampering with the document.  You can mark the document as final, so people know that it hasn’t been changed since the last time you saved it.

 Create a Password

In the document encoding window, create a password and click OK.  If you forget your password, Microsoft will offer no way to recover or reset it, which means that you will not be able to access the document.  Type the password again to confirm it.  Click OK.  Save and close the document.  Reopen it.  Type the password to access the document.  Click OK.

 Remove the Password

To remove the password, click the File menu and select Protect Document.  Click on the option Password Encryption.  In the document encoding window, delete the points that obscure your password.  Click OK.  Save and close the document.  The next time you open it, you will not be prompted for a password.

 Editing restriction

Click the File menu and return to the Protect Document button.  Select the Restrict Editing option.

Your document then displays the editing restriction pane on the right to format and edit restrictions.  Here, you can give people permission to read your document, as well as specify what they can edit and how.

 Coordination restrictions

Check the box to limit the formatting to a specific set of styles to prevent people from changing the document format with the Word Styles feature.  Click the Settings link.  In the format restrictions pop-up window, all styles are allowed by default.  You can keep this as is, change it to the recommended minimum, or change it to none.  If you’re not sure which setting to choose, choose the setting for the recommended minimum.

You can also check any of the three options within the format to allow automatic formatting to override restrictions, block the ability to switch attributes or block the ability to toggle QuickStyle groups.  Click OK to close the Formatting Restrictions window.

Editing restrictions

Under Edit Constraints, check the box to allow only this type of editing in the document.  Click on the drop-down menu below.  You can now choose from four options: Tracked changes turn track changes on for any document reader and restrict all other editing types; comments allow readers to insert comments into your document, but no other adjustments are made; fill in forms allows readers to fill out the forms you created but do not change. These are templates; no changes (read-only) puts the document in read-only mode, so no changes can be made.  Select the option you want.

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