There are many cheats to enjoy playing the GTA 5 on PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. You can hide from the police from chasing you using cheats, gather different types of rifles on the batter ground, and many others which allow you to change the game character which include the GTA cheats Vice city.
Well, in this guide, we bring together all GTA cheats vice city list to change the Grand Theft Auto 5 character as you play. When you want to type this GTA cheats on PC you first need to bring up the game console pressing “~” and then type the cheats in there.
We’ll come with a better article on how to use GTA 5 cheats. Here we are just going to list for you the best GTA cheats vice city you can enjoy.
How to see Village People
To start with, let me quickly give you a hint on how to see the village people with these cheats. To find the village people fast go to Malibu Club and take a gander at the stage.
Shoot the Moon
You want to change the size of the moon right? Well, you can do that but that won’t make the GTA 5 cheat active inside the river. Do you remember while playing GTA 3? Just shoot the moon with the sniper rifle and it will change.
GTA Cheat Vice City Dial Number
These number of cheats are very important when you want to hide from the police chasing you. The more you dial these numbers the less the number of cops that will be after you.
- 1-866-PILLAGE
- 1-866-9-BURY ME
- 1-866-9-SAVE ME
- 1-866-9-SHADEE
- 1-866-434-SELF
How to Rob a Bank in GTA 5?
What about robbing a bank successfully without been caught while playing the Grand Theft Auto 5? Now that you have seen the village people knowing where they are you can easily rob El Banco Corrupto Grande to make some money to purchase necessary equipment.
To earn four stars wanted level, just walk in and find your way to the upper floor. You can get to the upstairs when you walk in and turn to the upstairs.
When you are upstairs, walk into the Manager’s section to walk away with a minimum of 1/3 of the total cash in there.
Now, to get more money, go to the elevator room. Now, to escape, go to the back and jump out of the building. What an easy way to rub the bank but you can also play stunts with the cops shaking them when you walk through the left near to Pay N’ Spray.
GTA Cheats Vice City
Finally, here are the list of the GTA cheats vice city for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360.
- HUGSTOOLS ~ Weapon set #1
- NUTTERTOOLS ~ Weapon set #3
- ASPIRINE ~ Restore health
- PRECIOUSPROTECTION ~ Gain/restore armor
- YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE ~ Increase Wanted Level
- LEAVEMEALONE ~ Decrease Wanted Level
- FANNYMAGNET ~ Female actors follow player
- CERTAINDEATH ~ Tommy smokes a cigarette
- DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS ~ Player model changed to fat
- PROGRAMMER ~ Player model changed to skinny
- STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP ~ Player model changed randomly
- CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED ~ Player model is Ricardo Diaz
- LOOKLIKELANCE ~ Player model is Lance Vance
- MYSONISALAWYER ~ Player model is Ken Rosenberg
- LOOKLIKEHILARY ~ Player model is Hilary King
- ROCKANDROLLMAN ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #1
- WELOVEOURDICK ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #2
- ONEARMEDBANDIT ~ Player model is Phil Cassidy
- IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY ~ Player model is Sonny Forelli
- FOXYLITTLETHING ~ Player model is Mercedes
- PANZER ~ Spawns a Rhino Tank
- TRAVELINSTYLE ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger
- GETTHEREQUICKLY ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger (alternate)
- GETTHEREFAST ~ Spawns a Sabre Turbo
- GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST ~ Spawns a Hotring Racer (alternate)
- THELASTRIDE ~ Spawns a Romero’s Hearse
- ROCKANDROLLCAR ~ Spawns a Love Fist Stretch/Limo
- RUBBISHCAR ~ Spawns a Trashmaster
- BETTERTHANWALKING ~ Spawns a Golf Caddie
- BIGBANG ~ Explodes nearby cars
- MIAMITRAFFIC ~ Aggressive AI driving on
- AHAIRDRESSERSCAR ~ All cars become pink
- IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK ~ All cars become black
- COMEFLYWITHME ~ Flying cars cheat
- GRIPISEVERYTHING ~ Vehicle handling improved
- GREENLIGHT ~ All traffic signals green
- SEAWAYS ~ Cars hover over water
- WHEELSAREALLINEED ~ Only car wheels visible
- LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS ~ Some cars have big wheels
- HOPINGIRL ~ Actors get into player’s current car
- ALOVELYDAY ~ Weather sunny
- APLEASANTDAY ~ Weather overcast
- ABITDRIEG ~ Weather very overcast
- CANTSEEATHING ~ Weather foggy
- CATSANDDOGS ~ Weather stormy
- LIFEISPASSINGMEBY ~ Time compression (speeds up game time)
- ONSPEED ~ Time compression (alternate)
- BOOOOOORING ~ Time expansion
- CHASESTAT ~ Shows Media Level
- FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT ~ Actors all attack (riot cheat)
- NOBODYLIKESME ~ Actors attack player
- CHICKSWITHGUNS ~ Female actors armed
- CHASESTAT ~ Show media level (when 2+ stars):