On another special about the Xfinity platform, we will be dealing on how to bypass the Xfinity watch in-home only error. But to begin, one must first reiterate how big a platform Xfinity has and while being a leading telecommunication company it cannot always be perfect.
Oftentimes, you will encounter some errors that could be frustrating, one of them could be the Xfinity watch in-home only error whenever you try to stream other services.
What is Xfinity watch in-home only?
Xfinity offers an all-in-one home package that helps you get everything in one place. Whereby you can access the server even through one subscription on one platform. You pay a single bill and can access it from your phone or iPad. This is economical and would help you avoid subscribing to several platforms.
For added value, Xfinity offers access to Netflix, Peacock, Hulu, Disney+, Prime Video and YouTube added to the plan that you will choose. You can easily enjoy all the services just by logging into your Xfinity account from your Mobile phone (iPhone, Samsung), Smart TV, Laptops, and tablet (iPad). The subscription is directly linked to your Xfinity account.
But to use most Xfinity stream services, you are expected to be connected to your in-Home Xfinity Wi-Fi network. If you happen to be out of town, you may likely get an error “Out of Home” or “Connect to in-home Wi-Fi to watch” when you try to log in while you are not connected to the in-Home wi-fi network.
This is because Xfinity is trying to protect your privacy In most instances, therefore you will not be able to access the service unless you take certain steps to bypass this protection.
The trick here is that Xfinity services are authenticated with your Home IP address, and you cannot be able to log in while you are travelling or out of town. And that is why you would be able to stream while you are out in Inglewood while home is in Denver.
In the end, while this is installed to protect your privacy, it is still not realistic to assume that every customer would be opportune to always be at home to use these streaming services.
How to Get Around in home WiFi Xfinity
After the above explanation, some people might be left confused when they get this response from the comfort of their living room. This is to say that you can get this error even if you are at home. There are other reasons for this error asides from being away from home:
So, to learn how to get around in home wifi Xfinity kindly check the following.
- If you are connected to a VPN server and it is set as the default.
- You are accessing Xfinity Stream via a proxy server that Xfinity servers do not recognize.
Meaning you can suffer from this Xfinity watch in-home only error even if you are at home, using your Xfinity network.
Below, we will help fix the in-home only error while at home:
Check Wi-Fi Settings
There are times when your device might connect to a neighbouring Wi-Fi network (Could be the restaurant across the street, the coffee shop by the intersection, your neighbour’s Wi-Fi or even that of a visiting friend) instead of the home one.
So it might happen that Xfinity does not recognize the connected network.
Therefore, go to your Wi-Fi settings and confirm that you are connected to your Xfinity in-home Wi-Fi network and not any nearby connections.
Many times we would assume we are connected to our home network when in fact we are using another Wi-Fi.
Toggle Log-in
If you are certain that you are on your home network, and the error persists, you should toggle your account, log in and log out of your Xfinity stream app. Just go to settings on the app and select “change household account.”
Check Network Settings
Check your settings for any change in your IP address, MAC settings and login credentials. A typo could cause the error, so ensure all network settings are properly spelt.
Restart Your Router
As a quick fix, you can restart your router to see if the reboot refreshes the bug. This will clear off any logs that may be causing the Xfinity to watch in-home only error.
Call Xfinity Help-desk
If every of the above fails, the safe bet is to call Xfinity and explain the problem. At that point, they can fix the issue from their end.
Fixing Xfinity watch in-home only error while away
For those not at home that want to enjoy Xfinity streaming service, you have some options to avoid the error ‘Xfinity watch in-home only’
Use a Browser
When outside your home network, you will still have minimal access to your Xfinity portal and can access the server and download content. So using either your Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or UC Browser, you can bypass Xfinity watch in-home only error and access the Xfinity portal.
Use a Mobile Device
Since there are no network restrictions by Xfinity on mobile devices it is easier to use with less complications. Your iPad, iPod, or smartphone can access these services, regardless of their internet connection.
So whenever you are away from home, you can access the Xfinity platform by simply logging in to your account and that will provide you with seamless streaming.
Toggle Log-in
On the Xfinity Stream App, you can log-out and log-in. To do this, then navigate to the Settings tab. Here you will select ‘Change Household Account’ to log out of your current account. After logging out, wait a while to log back in to see if it fixes the issue and then log back in to see if it fixes the issue. This would work in cases where the server suffers from excess traffic.
Change Server Settings
If you are savvy in the use of an SSH Server and proxy settings you can activate an SSH server and change your proxy settings to bypass the “only-home” error. After setting up the SSH server, follow these steps:
- At the top right of your browser, click on the drop-down icon.
- Choose browser settings
- Choose System settings
- Click on Open proxy settings
- Turn the proxy server to On
You may not be able to stream Netflix or some other apps that are exclusive to apps alone but you can save content and have access to them when you are back at home.
How to Trick Xfinity Stream
The easiest and most recommended method to trick Xfinity stream is by setting up a VPN tunnel to your parents’ network. With this, you will be able to access the internet via your parents’ connection.
Meanwhile, changing the Xfinity stream password could lead to suspicion but to avoid any trace you could easily set up a VPN tunnel to your parents’ network.
With this, you can enable advanced security to install a VPN profile on your Android or iOS (iPhone or iPad) device. You can also make use of a 3rd party VPN to encrypt your data so that your personal data and search history will not be revealed.
How to make Xfinity Think you are at Home
You can make Xfinity think you are at home when you are far from it. And here, we will take a look at two different methods you can adopt on how to make Xfinity think you are at home to enjoy unlimited streaming on the go.
Use a Mobile Web Browser
You can make your Xfinity think you are at home when you are far from home using a mobile web browser. Yes, you don’t need to move with your Xfinity since you can always use a mobile browser to log into your Xfinity account on your device to download and enjoy your favourite content on the go.
Use any Mobile Device on a Different Network
There is no commitment that you can only use Xfinity. You can always use another network internet service to access Xfinity without any limitations.
So, if you want your Xfinity to think you are at home while using you can use a mobile web browser on your device and any device with an internet service since there is no restriction or user limitation.
Due to Licensing Agreements, Some Content can only be viewed on your Home WiFi.
Due to licensing agreements, some content can only be viewed on your home wifi. This is a warning and at the same time a message that has to do with the Xfinity Stream licensing agreements.
The restriction Xfinity due to licensing agreements some content can only be viewed on your in-home wifi, however, may restrict you from accessing all content on your Xfinity stream while the content may not be restricted on other internet and streaming services.
When you keep seeing due to licensing agreements, some content can only be viewed on your home wifi you first need to restart the router and see if it clears the message otherwise you may need to contact the customer desk on how to move forward.
This Device Can Only Access Xfinity stream on your in-home Xfinity WiFi
How often did you see this device can only access Xfinity stream on your in-home Xfinity wifi? Well, while this is not a major problem you can still connect to the Xfinity WiFi and see this device can only access Xfinity stream on your in-home Xfinity wifi.
However, to fix this you only need to restart your Xfinity WiFi/Router and you are good to go. Therefore, we will consider how to restart Xfinity WiFi in the following steps.
- Open the “Xfinity” app on your Android or iOS.
- Scroll down and click on the “Internet” option.
- Choose “Stream” or your “Modem name.”
- Click “Restart this Device.”
- Done.
Just hang on for your Xfinity stream WiFi to restart itself and once it’s done the “this device can only access Xfinity stream on your in-home Xfinity wifi” should be fixed.
With this article, we hope that whenever you are wondering why you are receiving an Xfinity watch in-home only error, this will help resolve and continue your seamless access to your favourite entertainment content. Remember, if you have uncertainty about doing it yourself, you can reach out to the Xfinity helpdesk.