Xbox One Activation code Problem Fix

YouTube is a popular video and music streaming site that is available on many platforms which include the Xbox One. However, there has been a lot of complain lately that the code for Xbox is not working.

And since if the code isn’t working you will not be able to authenticate the YouTube service on your Xbox One and you will not be able to stream YouTube videos on the platform.

Therefore, this guide aims to address the not working on Xbox One game console.

How to Fix Code problems on Xbox One Game Console

When you want to authenticate your YouTube account on your Xbox One game console you need to use the default YouTube app. Once you have installed the YouTube app, then, re-log into your YouTube account using your Gmail and password. You will be prompt with an activation code for your Xbox One, type the activation code correctly and see if the authentication fails.

Another approach we’ll discuss is to check your Xbox One internet connection if it’s still active and the signal strength is encouraging. Your internet signal must be strong enough to link your Xbox One to the YouTube server to be able to stream YouTube on your Xbox One via the YouTube app.

After the above approaches, the Xbox One is supposed to connect to the YouTube server. However, if it doesn’t, restart your Xbox One console and re-login to your YouTube app on the console.

Recommendation: We’ll give a detailed guide below on how to execute the above explanation. This will help you to do it yourself and get the YouTube activation code for Xbox One authenticated. code Xbox

Re-Login YouTube App on Xbox One

The first attempt to make when code is saying authentication error on your Xbox One console is to log out from the YouTube app and login again.

This simple approach can help fix this error such that when you type the activation code again on your Xbox it’ll authenticate without any glitch.

  1. Open the YouTube app on your Xbox One
  2. Click on the Sign-in & settings gear icon
  3. Now, sign in to the app and press “X”
  4. The Xbox One will popup code for activation on YouTube site
  5. Open a browser on your phone or computer and visit
  6. Log into the same Gmail on your Xbox and type the YouTube activation code
  7. Select the “Allow Access” option

With this, you should be able to authenticate your Xbox to stream and play YouTube music on your game console with the YouTube app.

Internet Connect Signal

If your router or modem internet connection is weak or you are not connected to it at all might cause the authentication to fail. The YouTube server uses your internet to verify whether the activation code is valid. Therefore, a stable internet connection is required for this.

  1. Press your Xbox button to open the guide you need
  2. Tap on settings
  3. From the opening tap on “All settings”
  4. Now select “Network
  5. Select the “Network Settings
  6. Tap on “Test network connection” to the right of the screen
  7. If any “Network issue” is detected click on the “Troubleshooting”
  8. Once the “Troubleshooting” is done the network will come up again

Now, if the authentication failed code is caused by the network connection, the above will resolve the network and you are then re-authenticate the YouTube code via the site.

Restart your Xbox One to Fix code

You don’t have much to do with this. Simply restarting your Xbox One can help to fix the glitch you have with the activation code authentication.

  1. Click on the Xbox One Button to launch the guide
  2. Click on the “Settings”
  3. Tap on ” Restart Console”
  4. From the pop up click on “Yes” to confirm

With these approaches, you can be sure that the Xbox One code authentication failed with be authenticated

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