How to Delete an Instagram Account

If you think it’s time to take some time off Instagram or the platform is draining you emotionally and you would love to delete your account permanently here are the steps that you need to take. So, in this guide, you will learn how to delete an Instagram account on your Android phone, iPhone, or web and how you can also delete your Instagram account without your old to delete instagram account

How to Delete Instagram Account on Android

With the steps below, you will be able to permanently delete your Instagram account on your Android using the official Instagram app.

  • Open the “Instagram App” on your Android phone.
  • Tap on your “Profile” icon at the “Bottom” right.
  • Tap on the “three lines” at the top right.
  • Click on “Settings and Privacy.”
  • Click on “Account Center.”
  • Choose “Personal Details.”
  • Tap “Account Ownership and Control.”
  • Choose “Deactivation or Deletion.”
  • Choose “Delete Account”: deleting your account is permanent.
  • Tap “Continue.”
  • Choose the reason you are deleting your account otherwise choose something else to start why you are deleting it and tap “Continue” at the bottom.
  • Click on “Continue” once again.
  • Type your “Instagram Password” and click on the  “Continue.”
  • Tap “Delete Account.”

Once you tap delete account your Instagram account will be deleted. However, you will be given a 30-day grace to reactivate your account before it will be deleted permanently.

How to Delete Instagram Account on iPhone

Deleting your Instagram account on your iPhone is similar to what we shared above. But for the sake of clarity, we will discuss how to delete your Instagram account on your iPhone below.

  • Open the “Instagram” app on your iPhone.
  • Tap on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the “three lines” at the top right.
  • Choose “Settings & Privacy.”
  • Select “Account Center” >> Account Details.”
  • Select “Account ownership and control.”
  • Click “Deactivate or Deletion.”
  • Select “Delete Account” under deactivating or deleting your Instagram account.
  • Tap “Continue.”
  • Choose the reason why you are deleting your Instagram account.
  • Type your “Instagram Password” and click on the “Continue” tab.
  • Click on “Delete Account.”

You will see the information regarding when your Instagram account will be deleted permanently and the grace you have to recover or reactivate your account.

How to Delete Instagram Account on PC/Mac

With your PC, you can follow the steps below to delete your Instagram account on the web.

  • Go to “” on your browser.
  • Sign in to your Instagram account.
  • Click on “More” >> “Settings.”
  • Click on “Personal Details” under “Account Center.”
  • Click on “Personal Detail” once again.
  • Choose “Account ownership and control.”
  • Select “Deactivation or deletion.”
  • Select “Delete” and tap “Continue.”
  • Type your “Instagram” password and click on the “Continue” button.
  • Select the “why” you are deleting your Instagram account.
  • Click on the “Continue” button.
  • Tap “Continue” on the popup.
  • Finally, choose “Delete Account.”

Your Instagram account will be deleted temporarily with the steps above. However, you will be given a 30-day grace before your account will be deleted permanently.

How to Delete Instagram Account Without Password

It is easy to delete an Instagram account but you can be confused about the possibility of deleting your Instagram account without a password. Therefore, you will learn how to delete an Instagram account without a password in this article.

  • Go to or open the official Instagram app.
  • Tap “Forgot password” or “Forgotten password.”
  • Type your “Instagram” name, email or phone number.
  • Click on “Send login link.”
  • Sign in to your email address and click on the link to reset your Instagram password.
  • Click on “Reset your Password” and a new window will open to quickly reset your password.
  • Type your new “Instagram password” twice and click on “Reset Password.”
  • Sign in to your Instagram account with the new password.
  • Go to your “Profile” >> More>> Settings and privacy.”
  • Choose “Account centre” >> Account details.
  • Select “Account Ownership and Contro.”
  • Select “Deactivate or Deletion.”
  • Choose “Delete” and tap “Continue.”
  • Type the new Instagram password we created and click on the “Continue” button.
  • Select the reason why you are deleting your Instagram account and click on the “Continue” tap.
  • Choose “Continue” >> Delete Account.”

With this, you should be able to delete your Instagram account without your old password.

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