How to Get Dark Mode on Facebook iOS Android Apps

The dark mode on Facebook iOS is a function that changes the familiar white and blue color scheme to a sea of ​​gray with white text. If you’re one of the many people who find that this setting reduces eye strain, implementing the dark mode on Facebook is a relief. It’s not available for everyone, but there is an alternative solution if you’re using a Chrome-based web browser like Chrome or Brave.

How to Get Dark Mode on Facebook iOS Android Apps

Who can use the Dark Mode on Facebook iOS?

The dark mode is available on the Facebook website, the main Facebook app, and the lightweight Facebook Lite app. The problem is that it is not accessible to everyone. If you follow the instructions below and don’t see a switch to activate dark mode, you can only wait for Facebook to activate the functions in your account.

How Do I Get a Dark Mode on Facebook?

The dark mode is available on the Facebook website, but it is possible that the functionality of your account is not yet activated. If the feature is available for the first time, a banner should appear at the top of the window when you connect, asking if you want to try dark mode. Select Yes, and dark mode will be activated.

If you have not noticed the banner or if the dark mode has been deactivated and you want to reactivate it, you can activate the dark mode on the Facebook website as follows:

  • Open the Facebook site and log in.
  • Click the down arrow icon in the upper right corner of the window.

How to Get Dark Mode on Facebook

  • Click the Dark Mode button.

How to Get Dark Mode on Facebook

  • The dark mode is activated.
  • Click the Dark Mode button again to return.

How to Force Dark Mode in Chrome

If you don’t have access to dark mode on Facebook yet, you can force it in Chrome. This option also forces the dark mode to be activated for other websites. Therefore, only use it if you are looking for the complete dark mode on the Internet.

This method works in Chrome and other Chrome-based browsers like Edge and Brave and on any platform that you can use these browsers on.

How to force dark mode in Chrome:

  • Open Chrome or a Chromium based browser and go to chrome: // flags / # enable-force-dark.
  • Select On from the dropdown menu.
  • Click Relaunch.
  • This will stop and restart Chrome. If you’re working on something in another Chrome tab, save and close it before clicking Restart.
  • Facebook and other websites are forcibly displayed in dark mode. Please note that although the dark mode is disabled, the site is still in dark mode.

How to Enable Facebook Dark Mode for Android

Like the Facebook site, dark mode is not accessible to everyone in the Facebook Android application. However, the lightweight Facebook Lite app offers a dark mode for everyone. If you don’t see a dark mode switch in the normal app, download Facebook Lite, and follow these instructions to turn on dark mode:

If your account has dark mode access in the normal Facebook app, the following instructions will also work for you.

  • Start the Facebook Lite app.
  • Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
  • Scroll down and tap the dark mode icon.
  • Facebook Lite is now in dark mode.

How to Get Dark Mode on Facebook

How to enable Facebook Dark Mode for iOS

The Facebook application for iOS is in the same boat as the others; dark mode is only available to certain people. When deployed for the first time, you’ll need to turn them on and off manually, as well as the Android website and app. However, Apple has promised that the app will automatically change based on system-wide dark mode settings.

If you don’t have access to it yet, iOS has an intelligent flip function that mimics dark mode to some extent. It’s not exactly the same thing, and there are some undesirable color results, but you should give it a try.

If the dark mode is available in the Facebook iOS app, you can activate it as follows:

  • Start the Facebook application.
  • Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines).
  • Scroll down to Settings and Privacy.
  • Press the Dark Mode button.
  • Press.
  • The dark mode is activated.


Facebook has provided its new layout, which offers an integrated dark mode (see our guide here. The new Facebook layout (desktop) is integrated here + in dark mode). You can still use Night Eye to control your Facebook mode with the extreme feature of integration.

If you like the old Facebook design and want to go into a dark mode (since the built-in is only available in the new design), you can use Night Eye. Below are some previews of what it looks and feels like when dark mode is turned on and off while surfing Facebook.

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