There are a lot of great reviews when it comes to the GE dishwasher. While some believe it comes with great aesthetics and it has adjustable racks to fits different types of unusual dishes, some users still feel the GE is one of their worst buying decision.
The thing is, all electronic equipment such as microwaves, a Freezer, Washers, etc, all come with issues.
But, in this article, I am going to be focusing on the GE dishwasher and how to resolve your GE dishwasher not drying.
If you are experiencing this and you can’t get a hang of it, read through this article because I will be walking you through all the easy steps anyone can do to resolve a GE dishwasher not drying.
Let’s proceed.
How to Troubleshoot GE Dishwasher not Drying
Before you proceed to call a repairman or get a replacement part, there are some simple steps you can carry out to figure out what exactly is causing your GE dishwasher not to dry.
Below are some things you ought to check starting from the simple ones to the intense ones. Let’s start
Check through your Dish Placement
In scenarios like this, You will experience that some of the utensils are dry while some aren’t. If that is the case, you should be sure to adjust the placement of those that aren’t dry
If the plates are wrongly placed or maybe you are not leaving some space between the dishes for airflow, they could cease to dry. Anyway, you don’t need to fret as I will be showing you how you can resolve that
Since some plates or utensils are not dry, here is a better way to place them
- Place dishes that dry faster on the top rack.
- Ensure there is some distance in between each dishware.
- Avoid stacking or nesting too many dishes at once
Check for Heated Dry Setting
There are a series of dishwasher brands/models, and they all work differently. For example, some dishwashers might not use heated dry to conserve energy while some use it.
If your rinse aid dispenser isn’t working properly or your Washer suddenly stops drying here is how you can resolve it
All you have to do is to press the “heated/Dry” button to boost the drying performance
Are you using a Hot water Cycle?
Depending on the model of dishwasher you are using, another option you can check for is the Hot water cycle.
If you are using a Hot water cycle that uses hot water as compared to using cold water. You are likely to end with dry plates.
Anyway, if you aren’t using the Hot water cycle here is how to do it.
Try running your faucet to clear cold water from the hot water line before starting your GE dishwasher.
If your GE dishwasher not drying issues persist, Check the next step below
Not Using A Dishwasher Rinse Aid
Among other reasons, if you are not using the correct amount of rinse aid it could result in your GE dishwasher not drying. The reason is simple. The rinse aid is a drying agent that changes the shape of the water droplet coming from the plates so that they flow more easily.
To resolve this, check if the rinse aid is full. If it isn’t, fill it up.
However, if the rinse aid is full, check if you can see any form of discolouration.
At worst, it’s either the dispenser is dirty or the cap is damaged, if it’s dirty, you can clean it, but a damaged cap would require a replacement
Now, let’s proceed to some Advanced Issues you might have to check to resolve your GE dishwasher not drying.
Faulty Heating Element
The drying process requires the heating element to heat the water left on the plates after washing them. If the heating element is not working correctly. The plates might either take a longer time to dry or might not dry. Also, your plate could come out dirty
So if you are experiencing a longer dry time. You can get the services of a repairman to check for the heating element to ensure it’s not faulty.
However, if the heating element isn’t faulty try the next troubleshooting steps below
Check the Vent
During a dry cycle, your dishwasher vent releases hot air. In a scenario where the Vent has not properly opened the esteem won’t be able to escape to dry off your plate.
In this scenario here is what you can do
Inspect the vent and clear off any debris that may be restricting airflow. In a scenario where the Vent isn’t opening, then it needs a replacement
GE dishwasher not drying flood switch
In cases like this, one of the things you would notice is the heating cycle that is supposed to dry the dishes isn’t working. , Maybe you’ve checked the heating element and the Vent and you notice that there are all okay. The flood switch might be faulty.
To resolve this, you need to get a replacement apart from your flood switch and you might also need to get the services of a repairman for that if you are unsure of how to do that.
GE Dishwasher drying cycle
The drying cycle job is to ensure all the plates and utensils in the rack are dry, To get a faster drying time here are some tips you can use
- Ensure the water going into the dishwasher is 120 degrees F or higher.
- Make use of a rinse aid by filling the rinse tank frequently since it accelerates the drying process
- Also, make sure you are using the Heated Dry Option
BY now, you should have been well versed on how to tackle your GE dishwasher not drying. If yes, below are some commonly asked questions from other GE users.
Why is my GE Dishwasher not getting hot?
One of, the reasons why your GRE dishwasher isn’t going hot is usually coming from the heating element of the flood light. If you are not experienced in repairing electronic devices. You should call a repairman to get it checked for you.