How to Cancel BeenVerified

Been Verified has varieties of options available to cancel your account once you have decided to say goodbye to the platform. So, in this guide, I will walk you through how to cancel BeenVerified on the phone, email, and online.

BeenVerified is a background check company that specialized in providing consumer-initiated criminal details and people search services using the website algorithm as well as on the mobile app.

So, the Been Verified platform changed people for helping to find data that are hard to find across the internet with detail information on the search result.

To cancel BennVerfieid is not as important as the information that is generated using the website or mobile app. This initiated criminal information could go a long way to include public utility service, private business record, social profile, local and federal court details, weapons permit, traffic case record, BeenVerified lookup number, and criminal record against the people you are searching for.

How to Cancel BeenVerified

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BeenVerified Cost

BeenVerified website cost a little for its job compared to all its alternatives to search for people’s record. And the cost of subscribing to BeenVerified varies and depends on the kind of report you are interested in. However, it can cost you just $15 for a single result but you will be satisfied with the outcome of the lookup search.

For a monthly subscription to explore all BV databases for the information that you are looking you will need to cough out $26.89 per month or $52.44 for three months depending on how long it will take you to complete the research you are doing using the BeenVerified website.

This is just insight information about BeenVerfieid and not a review to know what you would end up paying for using BV and see the reason to initiate the process to cancel your BV account since BeenVerfieid does not offer a moneyback guarantee if your expectations are not met.

How to Cancel BeenVerified

There are three ways to cancel BeenVerfieid, these are:

  • Contact BeenVerified on phone.
  • Send an email to BV to cancel your subscription.
  • Use the Online contact form.

How to Cance BeenVerified on the Phone

If you have some call credit to dish out to stay on the waiting line on the BeenVerified customer care line call 1-888-579-5910 requesting that your account be cancelled.

How to Cancel Been Verified Account via Email

If you have some days before your current plan will expire on BeenVerified you can contact BV via email at stating that you want to terminate your BV account.

Please don’t do this when you are out of the office or you are on vacation as you would need to make some clarification such as presenting on full name, membership ID, etc. And don’t forget to send the email to BV using the primary email address that is attached to your BeenVerified account.

How to Cancel BV Subscription using Contact Form

You just need to leave a message for the BeenVerfieid customer representative using the contact form and hit submit.

  • Click on the BeenVerified contact form link
  • Click on the “Topic” drop-menu” and select “Cancel Account.”
  • Enter your full name as it’s in your BV account.
  • Type the email address that is associated with your BeenVerified account.
  • Leave a message as to why you want to cancel your BeenVerified account.
  • Check the “I am not a robot” box and click on the submit button.

BeenVerified will confirm the information provided in the contact form and process the account cancellation. First, you will receive an email confirming that you initiated that your BV account has been called after which the account will be terminated.

How to Contact BeenVerified

BeenVerified Mailing Address

MSC – 149098
P.O. Box 105168
Atlanta, GA 30348-5168

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